Boycott Ford
Submitted for your approval...
Like me, you are probably not a person who hates homosexuals. Instead, you are probably, like me, a person who disagrees with the homosexual life style in general, because you simply cannot identify with it. If you know your Bible, you are probably also against homosexuality as a way of life because it runs contrary to Scripture -- the Word of God. The Bible describes it as perversion and immorality. It further goes on to say three times in a row in Romans 1:24-28 (only 5 short verses) that God has "given up" on homosexuals. I am wont to quote the old saying, "God loves the sinner, but not the sin"... God loves all people (homosexual or otherwise), but God hates the sin of homosexuality. God wants those who practice such "abominations" to turn away from their sins towards God's way.
From a political perspective, I am clearly against the homosexual agenda. It is one thing to claim homosexuality as a sexual preference... an act that one may practice in privacy. It is clearly another matter to practice political activism which strives to equate homosexuality with traditional heterosexuality. It is a further insult to suggest that those who practice such aberrant behavior must be afforded the same rights and benefits now due only to legitimate, traditional heterosexual couples.
I am inclined to believe that 4,000 years of tradition should not be overturned in a single stroke to console the guilty consciences of a few sexually deviant individuals who seek to make their illegitimate practices palatable through legality. I am further not inclined to believe that 4,000 years of tradition should be overturned in a single stroke because there are some who feel sad that homosexuals may be "condemned" to practice their deviate behavior in private.
If you are like me in this regard, you may wish to click on the image below and join in a Boycott against the Ford Motor Company which is obviously pushing the homosexual agenda with lots of money and political influence...