Mob Opens Sex College With Viagra Lure
SAN FRANCISCO, CA -- The East Coast mob joined forces with the West Coast mob today at the opening ceremonies of a new "Sex College". The school's slogan is "Get a Leg Up on the Competition". The primary purpose of the school is to help women of moderate means to supplement their incomes. It's said to be a very "hands on" type of curriculum.
Of course, men are invited to attend classes as well. There's no discrimination at this college! However, women have been enrolling at a rate of 10-to-1 over men. In order to address this lack of diversity, mobsters have been looking for ways to entice males to enroll. "What better way than to offer FREE Viagra?", said one La Cosa Nostra member of Italian descent (who wished to remain anonymous). "How ya DOIN'?... How YOU doin'?", he went on to ask the various media reporters.
Viagra and Sex Ed... it just seems like a marriag.... err, tryst... made in heaven.
I actually voted FOR Viagara... before I voted AGAINST it. Friends have told me that I'm stiff enough without it.
Y'know, they give out free haircuts at Barber College...
(Wink, wink, nudge, nudge)
Participants who stuck it out for the whole day received diplomas certifying them as G.S.W...... Godless Sexual Whackos is a better description for the initials.
I can recommend several men for the class...especially because they can all use some free Viagra...I'll post a notice at the health office this week...I am sure there will be some takers IF
I bet I could just imagine who you are referring to.
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