France Too Liberal For Chirac
PARIS, France -- In a move that is sure to disrupt the progress of the European Union (EU) and the government of French President Jacques Chirac, a referendum to ratify the EU constitution was defeated in France today by a margin of 55% to 45%. France is the first country of the 25-member EU that has failed to ratify; 11 countries have already ratified the constitution.
Chirac was barely able to hide his disappointment as he acknowledged defeat of the referendum. Chirac had personally called on French voters to support the measure, associating himself personally with the issue, and suggesting that it's passage was "a slam dunk". Chirac had also told voters that ratification of the constitution would lead to discovery of "weapons of poverty destruction".
A leary French public however, rejected Chirac's claims. The "NO" vote has been seen by some as an angry response for Chirac's failure to improve the French economy. Some analysts suggest that the French are so self-absorbed that they are tired of working with other Europeans, and just want everyone else to speak French. Still others say that the French are fearful their social programs may be compromised with a new EU constitution... In other words, they are so far left, they can't understand that their social programs have ruined the economy.
Chirac reacted to calls for his resignation saying, "Sacre bleu! I'll get back to you on that".
C'est vrai! Je pense...
Enough o' dat! This could be the beginning of the end for the E.U. Who'd of thunk it?
Now the French want the rest of Europe to take care of them!
Methinks they don't want to...
Mon Dieu, ces porcs socialistes ont jeté la clé de singe dans les machines ! Comment est-ce que je deviendrai aussi célèbre que la pierre de Napoleon ou de DeGalle ? Les porcs, ils méritent ce qu'obtiennent ils. M. Schroeder peut maintenant mobiliser l'armée allemande et l'armée de l'air et écraser ces le fromage ne mangeant aucun singe et moi de reddition peut être le maréchal Petain de la France swishy. - Dominique De V
I translate roughly as...
My God, these socialist pigs threw the monkey wrench in the machines! How will I become as famous as the statues (stones?) of Napoleon or DeGalle? The pigs, they deserve what they get. Mr. Schroeder can now mobilize the German army and air force to crush these cheese-eating monkeys and they can make me Marshal Petain of the French swishy.
Whew!! Is that about right?
Looks like there could be a lot of Phrench officials and politicians on one of those 800 passenger airbuses. All dressed up and no place to land that big sucker...and do you wanna bet they cry 'foul' when we don't make our airports "Big Airbus" friendly? Maybe some of that Oil for Food money should have been spent in re-educating the unenlightend peasants so Dominique could get his/her way.
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