Daily Wisdom

June 30, 2012

If Healthcare Law Is A Tax, Is It Now Invalid?

Maybe the states should take Obamacare back to court on the basis that Congress did not follow the correct procedures when it was passed...?

Bill Whittle on Fast & Furious

Obamacare = Obamatax

The largest tax increase in American history...

Brought to you by the most "transparent" Administration in American history.

June 23, 2012

Isn't It Odd?

Some people will probably call me a "birther" over this article, but that's OK. I was called a "denier" before we had 12 years without any global warming. And I was called a "teabagger" before the Tea Party became a recognized force in politics. And I will be vindicated once again when it is generally recognized that Barack Obama is not (or WAS not) eligible to serve as President of the United States.

Now, I have never particularly subscribed to the notion that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. Yes, I briefly flirted with the concept when Phillip Berg first proposed it in 2008, but it soon became a moot point when I learned that the definition of a "natural born citizen" can be found in Emerich de Vattel's 1758 book, the "Law of Nations". A natural born citizen it says, is one who is born in the country to parents (plural) who are BOTH citizens. Of course Obama's father was a British subject.

Vattel's book was so highly regarded by the Founding Fathers that it was actually incorporated into and made a part of the U.S. Constitution at Article 1, Section 8, within the enumerated powers clause. Yet many refuse to acknowledge this fact, or... to publish it.

But the more I read and learn, the easier it is for me to understand why the "birther conspiracy theory" just won't die. I mean, think about it... isn't it odd that there are so many unanswered questions surrounding Obama's birth and citizenship status?

1) Isn't it odd that Obama's paternal grandmother seems to think he was born in Kenya?

2) Isn't it odd that Obama's own wife Michelle, referred to Kenya as "Barack's home country"?

3) Isn't it odd that Obama's literary agent would refer to him in a promotional booklet as being "born in Kenya"? And that this went on from 1991 until 2007 when Obama began his campaign for the White House?

4) Isn't it odd that a number of African publications would refer to him as being "Kenyan born"?

5) Isn't it odd that Kenya would proclaim itself the "Birthplace of Barack Obama"?

6) Isn't it odd that Obama's cousin Raila Odinga is the Prime Minister of Kenya, and that the government there has said that "all documents concerning Obama [are] under seal"? And which documents might those be exactly? From what we know, he has only visited there on a couple of occasions.

7) Isn't it odd that Barack Obama first said he was born at the Queens Medical Center in Honolulu, then later changed it to Kapiolani Medical Center? Doesn't he even know where he was born?

8) Isn't it odd that Obama's own web site as well as other sources, first said he was born at the Queens hospital in Honolulu, then changed it to Kapiolani Medical Center?

9) Isn't it odd that neither hospital proudly displays a plaque saying "This is the birthplace of the 44th President of the United States"?

10) Isn't it odd that Kapiolani Medical Center won't acknowledge that Obama was born there?

11) Isn't it odd that President Obama sent a letter to the Kapiolani Medical Center only 4 days after taking office, and referred to the facility as "the place of my birth"?

12) Isn't it odd that when Kapiolani Medical Center received that letter from Obama, they only displayed it for a short time on their web site, and then locked it away in a storage vault?

13) Isn't it odd that Barack Obama's parents never lived at the address that was listed on his birth announcements in two Honolulu newspapers? And isn't it odd that this is the same address that is on his alleged birth certificate?

14) Isn't it odd that the Democratic National Committee would file two different certifications of nomination for Barack Obama as candidate for President: one to 49 of the states, and a different one to the State of Hawaii? Isn't it odd that the certification to Hawaii is the ONLY one that states Barack Obama is "legally qualified to serve under the provisions of the United States Constitution"?

15) Isn't it odd that the Democratic Party of Hawaii would refuse to certify that Barack Obama was "legally qualified" to serve under the provisions of the United States Constitution?

16) Isn't it odd that a 2008 election official in Hawaii would sign a sworn affidavit stating that there was no birth certificate on file for Barack Obama in Hawaii, and that neither Queens Medical Center nor Kapi’olani Medical Center in Honolulu had any record of Obama being born there, and that this was common knowledge among his supervisors?

17) Isn't it odd that when CNN's Lou Dobbs demanded to see Obama's original long-form birth certificate, CNN/U.S. President Jon Klein told the Los Angeles Times in an e-mail that Obama's 1961 birth certificate no longer exists because Hawaiian officials had discarded paper documents in 2001 -- a claim that was later denied by Hawaiian health officials.

18) Isn't it odd that Chiyome Fukino, former head of the Hawaii Department of Health, stated that the short-form "Certification of Live Birth" displayed by the Obama campaign in 2008 to demonstrate the candidate’s constitutional eligibility is the ONLY document the state releases, when other people have readily received copies of original long-form birth certificates upon request?

19) Isn't it odd that Hawaii governor Neil Abercrombie said he would get the Obama birth certificate and publish it to finally put the controversy to rest, but then was unable to do so?

20) Isn't it odd that Barack Obama did not release his birth certificate immediately when the Phillip Berg lawsuit was filed in 2008 to establish Res Judicata so that similar lawsuits would not be filed?

21) Isn't it odd that Barack Obama did not release his birth certificate immediately when the Phillip Berg lawsuit was filed in 2008, but rather chose to spend (by some estimates) "millions" of dollars to fight the dozens of lawsuits filed contesting his eligibility?

22) Isn't it odd that Barack Obama did not release his birth certificate immediately when Lt. Colonel Terry Lakin was set be court-martialed for refusing to deploy to Afghanistan until Obama released a copy of his birth certificate?

23) Isn't it odd that Barack Obama would allow Lt. Colonel Terry Lakin, a decorated 18-year Army doctor, to be dismissed from the Army and sent to prison by not releasing his birth certificate, but then would later release an alleged birth certificate because Donald Trump pressed him on the issue?

24) Isn't it odd that Joshua Wisch of the Hawaii attorney general’s office told MSNBC that Obama's original long-form birth certificate belongs to the state and cannot be released to anyone or copied by anyone, but then one suddenly appears on the official White House web site in April 2011?

25) Isn't it odd that when the official White House web site finally posted an image of a birth certificate purported to be that of Barack Obama, it was immediately suspected to be a forgery and a fraud?

26) Isn't it odd that the alleged birth certificate posted at the White House web site uses different fonts, different font spacings, and computer-generated kerning which would not have been possible if the birth certificate was generated on a 1961-era typewriter?

27) Isn't it odd that Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County Arizona, acting at the request of citizens in his jurisdiction, would conduct an investigation of the alleged Obama birth certificate and announce that there is "probable cause" to suspect forgery?

28) Isn't it odd that the alleged Obama birth certificate does not look like those of the Nordyke twins, which were reproduced from microfilm?

29) Isn't it odd that the File Number on Barack Obama's alleged birth certificate is higher than the numbers on the Nordyke twins' certificates when he was born the day BEFORE the Nordyke twins?

30) Isn't it odd that the Hawaii State Registrar would not verify the authenticity of Barack Obama's birth certificate as posted at the official White House web site?

31) Isn't it odd that an attorney representing Barack Obama has argued in court that the long-form birth certificate image released by the White House should not be placed into evidence?

32) Isn't it odd that a mailman in the Chicago area has signed a sworn affidavit stating that: 1) He delivered mail in the late 1980s and early 1990s to the home of Bill Ayers' parents, 2) That on 18-20 occasions he conversed with the mother of Bill Ayers, 3) That Mrs. Ayers told him that she and her husband were financially supporting a young "foreign student" who fit the description of Barack Obama, 4) That the mailman had occasion to meet a young black man in front of the Ayers' home who fit the description of Barack Obama, 5) That the young man he spoke to told him he wanted to thank the Ayers for supporting his education, 6) That the young black man he spoke to told him that one day he would be President of the United States (not that he aspired to be, but that he WOULD be the President), 7) That the young man's assertion was so memorable because of it's conviction, and 8) That he "is absolutely positive" the young man he spoke to was in fact Barack Obama? And isn't it odd that Barack Obama would be referred to as a "foreign student"?

33) Isn't it odd that Barack Obama refuses to release any of his college records, which might list him as a "foreign student"?

34) Isn't it odd that Barack Obama's Selective Service Registration is also likely to be a forgery? Wouldn't Barack Obama have ignored registering for the Selective Service if he considered himself to be a "foreign student" at the time he was supposed to register? And wouldn't he have a hard time registering if he couldn't produce a valid birth certificate?

35) Isn't it odd that while Obama was in college at Occidental and Columbia, he hung out and lived with "foreign students" (primarily Pakistanis) because he felt "most comfortable" with them?

36) Isn't it odd that in 1981 Barack Obama traveled with a "foreign" friend to Pakistan, but he refuses to release his passport records which would put to rest forever the notion that he may have traveled there on an Indonesian passport? Would he even be able to obtain a U.S. passport if he could not produce a valid birth certificate (see current requirements)?

37) Isn't it odd that the name on Barack Obama's current passport does not match the name on his alleged birth certificate - Barack Hussein Obama II?

38) Isn't it odd that Barack Obama's Social Security Number (SSN) was issued by the State of Connecticut when he never lived there? Would he even be able to obtain a SSN if he could not produce a valid birth certificate?

39) Isn't it odd that Linda Jordan would sign a sworn affidavit saying that Barack Obama's SSN can't pass an e-Verify test?

40) Isn't it odd that the U.S. State Department "accidentally destroyed" the passport records of Barack Obama's mother prior to 1965, which might have shown that she traveled to Kenya in 1961?

41) Isn't it odd that when Sheriff Joe Arapaio's Cold Case Posse requested from the National Archives in Washington, D.C., 10 years of records on Immigration and Naturalization Service cards filled out by airplane passengers arriving at Honolulu on international flights originating outside the United States, that there was only one week of missing data for that entire period... the week of Barack Obama's birth?

Now REALLY. I mean... what are the odds? In this modern world, what are the odds that there would be this many oddities surrounding the birth and citizenship status of a single individual?

No, I'm absolutely serious here. Some mathematician ought to calculate the odds. What are the odds that a "legitimate" candidate for President of the United States who claims to be born in Honolulu Hawaii would...

- Have family members who say otherwise
- Have a literary agent who says otherwise
- Have foreign countries who say otherwise
- Be confused about which hospital he was born in
- Have both hospitals NOT acknowledge he was born there
- Have birth announcements with the wrong address
- Have people sign sworn affidavits to the contrary
- Have his political party NOT acknowledge his eligibility
- Have media people fabricate stories to protect him
- Have Hawaii state officials lie to protect him
- Find the Hawaii Governor unable to produce his birth certificate
- Fail to produce a birth certificate immediately when asked
- Fail to produce a birth certificate when a lawsuit is filed
- Fail to produce a birth certificate when a soldier demands it
- Fail to produce a birth certificate when that soldier is court-martialed
- Post an image of a birth certificate which is an obvious forgery
- Have Hawaii officials NOT acknowledge its authenticity
- Have his own lawyer say it should NOT be entered into evidence
- Be described as a "foreign student" when he was in college
- Say he was "most comfortable" with foreign students
- Refuse to release any college records
- Have a Selective Service card that is likely forged
- Have a questionable Social Security Number
- Be unable to pass an e-Verify test
- Have a passport that doesn't match his birth certificate
- Find his mother's passport records "accidentally destroyed"
- Have INS records "missing" for the week of his birth

I'm guessing the odds would be astronomical against. Allow me to explain. I've just listed (27) items here, and (41) items in the main article. So you might think that the odds against all of these events occurring would be 27-to-1 or 41-to-1, right?

But it's worse than that. I'm no probability and statistics expert, but I think you have to look into all the individual circumstances and figure out the odds against each event individually, and then multiply them by the total number of events.

For example, the odds against 1 week of INS records being missing out of 10 years of records (10 years x 52 weeks) is 520-to-1. The odds against (2) hospitals NOT acknowledging Obama's birth there is 2-to-1. The odds against (2) birth announcements with the wrong address is 2-to-1. The odds against (2) sworn affidavits is 2-to-1. The odds against (1) Democratic nomination certification being different from the other 49 states is 49-to-1. The odds against a forged Selective Service Registration would be the total number of registrations on file (16.2 million as of 2010) versus the number of suspected forgeries, or 16,200,000-to-1.

The odds against a fake SSN would be the total number of SSNs issued (453.7 million) versus the number of suspected identity thieves using a fake SSN. Apparently 40 million SSNs have multiple names connected to them. And approximately 2 million U.S. adults have three or more SSNs. Over 140,000 SSNs are linked to five or more people, and 27,000 are linked to 10 or more people. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2059183/How-share-social-security-number-The-hunt-victims-50-hidden-names.html#ixzz1yf0dXxOa. If we use a convenient number of 45.37 million fake SSNs, or 10%, then the odds against a fake SSN are 10-to-1.

The odds against one's passport records being "accidentally destroyed" would be the total number of passports issued versus the number destroyed. The State Department issued 130,360 passports between 1810 and 1873, more than 369,844 between 1877 and 1909, and more than 1,184,085 between 1912 and 1925. And since 1925, millions more were issued. The total number issued is unknown to me, and the total number destroyed is likewise unknown. According to the State Department, "many" passport applications and other "non-vital" records from that period (pre-1965) were destroyed during the 1980s.

OK, so let's just pull a number out of the air and say that the odds against having one's passport records destroyed are 30,000-to-1. It may be higher or lower than that, but it is no doubt a big number. Now let's do the math. By my calculations the odds would be...

41 (initial oddities) x 520 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 49 x 16,200,000 x 10 x 30,000 = 40,617,158,400,000,000,000-to-1 against! That would be 40.6 "quintillion"-to-1 against. Not billions, trillions or even quadrillions, but quintillions! Your odds of winning the lottery are better than that.

June 14, 2012

Obama's REAL Father?

More of the same...

There seems to be a pattern here. No?

Obama's Mama

For the conspiracy theorists among you, this will no doubt generate some synaptic activity...

Talk about "Bizarre Life"... You're traveling through another dimension -- a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's a signpost up ahead: your next stop: the Twilight Zone!

June 07, 2012

Obama and Israel

Good summary of the Obama administration's treatment of Israel...

Should those who love Israel vote for Obama? ...You decide.