Racist Right Play Hoiler Than Thou....again... PART 1
Oh, poor Mitt Romney! All those questions about his background. All those personal questions. Give poor Mitt a break and lay off of him. Poor guy. Let's all move to lying and criticizing and asking questions about Barack Obama instead.
When you ask if Mitt Romney has any assets that he is hiding in tax shelters or other things that give him a great leg-up on ordinary Americans, that is unfair!?!
When you ask if Mitt was or was not CEO of Bain [as federal documents show] during the years in confusion, don't ask poor Mitt to explain. Unfair!
When you ask Mitt for personal financial data on more than one year, that is unfair. Sure, John McCain revealed 20 years of such personal data when he ran for President, but that is no cause to question poor Mitt.
Don't be unfair and ask poor Mitt what financial holdings he has in the Cayman Islands, Switzerland, etc.
Let's see, have there ever been any unfair questions posed openly about Barack Obama? Isn't it interesting how pro-active the right-wingers were in pushing the lies, deceptions, and fairy tales about Obama? And these still go on. Examples:
Was Obama born in Indonesia?
Are the Hawaiian government's baptismal/birth records released to be believed?
How many death panels have been uncovered related to Obamacare?
What socialism has been found in Obamacare? What socialism has been found in Romneycare?
Is Obama a Chrisitan or a Moslem?
There are many-many questions that should be raised about the confusion surrounding Romney's past. What is unfair, is that the questions about Mitt's financial data can be answered very simply, if Mitt chose to do so. Why is Romney avoiding answering the simple questions? Why was he so silent when all the lies were being distributed about Obama?
When you are born into a favored position, as Romney was, it is difficult to be honest with the general public because you personally see yourself as above the common man and woman. Interesting how open was Mitt Romney's father, a politician and busnessman like his son, about personal matters and personal finances. In fact, Mitt's father, George Romney, chastised politicans for not being open and forthcoming.
Stooping to the muck of the right-wing questions, let me ask if the Romeny family came into the U.S. from Mexico legally or illegally? Was Mitt born in Mexico? May I see his birth certificate?
Again this is further proof I was right, Anyone who calls Barack Obama a fraud is, in fact, a racist, bigoted lyinh hypocrtical scumbag!
"Obama “sealing” his academic records." That is not true. They simply are private, just like Mitt Romney’s academic records.
Neither are “sealed.” Both are private. Neither has to show them.
“He deceived his publicist and would-be publisher that advanced him a whole lot of money in anticipation of a autobiography by a Kenyan born American.”
The publicity writer who wrote the blurb admitted making that mistake and said that Obama did not write it.
Racist Right Play Hoiler Than Thou....again... PART 2
It was not “ridiculously easy” to get a birth certificate in Hawaii saying “Kapiolani Hospital” on it (as Obama’s does) unless you were actually born in Kapiolani Hospital. It was not “ridiculously easy” to get a birth certificate in Hawaii that had the signature of a Kapiolani Hospital doctor on it unless you actually were born there and delivered by that doctor. Oh, and for the children who were not born in hospitals, the DOH in Hawaii at the time demanded a witness statement before issuing a birth certificate with a Hawaii place of birth on it.
Re Social Security number:
The Connecticut SS number was caused by a data entry error. SS numbers were generated by the zip code of the applicant’s address. Obama’s address in Hawaii was in zip code 96814, and the zip code for Danbury, CT. is 06814.
Millions of people have errors in their SS numbers and millions have multiple social security numbers, which were caused mainly by data entry errors:
You might well ask why, if there is evidence that Obama has multiple SS numbers and that one of them came from Connecticut that NO committee in Congress wants to investigate? Why not?
Because it is not illegal to have mistakes in your SS files, and lots of people do. And there is no evidence that this is other than a mistake, or a lot of mistakes. Republicans would be GLAD to hold a hearing to show that there was a crime involved with Obama’s SS number. But they KNOW that there is no evidence, and if they looked into their own files (I did to mine), they are likely to find multiple numbers in them.
We all know that evidence doesn't mean squat, right? Just ask the lunatic fringe *still* calling for Obama's "real birth certificate" years after the State of Hawaii has repeatedly claimed that according to official state records Obama was born in that state.
Do you know why we call you racists. Because that's what you are. There is NO other way to describe this type of hatred, but it is NOT is Patriotism...please. This is Racism, pure and simple!
Arpaio and Birthers in general are a disgusting group of people much along the lines of the KKK and other Conservative Hate groups.. What he spouts is not "truth" or "evidence" just fancy repackage BS of debunked lies and smearing crap! there are only a few politicians who strike me as worthy of diagnosis. Many are extremely narcissistic. For example, people love to point to Newt Gingrich as someone who supposedly has Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and that makes a certain amount of sense, since he is given to making statements like "People like me are what stand between us and Auschwitz," but for my money he's more just a bloated, self-important asshole than someone with a genuine personality disorder (I might be wrong).
For that matter, to the degree that many--most?--Republicans believe that virtually anyone suffering any misfortune has brought it on themselves (their perverse application of "personal responsibility"), lack of empathy is almost a prerequisite for membership in the GOP.
Nonetheless, only a few politicians seem demonstrably off. Sorry, GOPers, Obama ain't one of them.
The two politicians that strike me as being odd almost to the point of nuttiness (and I don't pretend to be able to diagnose exactly what is wrong with them) are Michelle Bachmann and Allen West. As for Democrats, it's possible that Clinton had something cooking there with his sexual behavior. It went beyond Monica Lewinski, you know.
Racist Right Play Hoiler Than Thou....again... PART 3
Notice that you can;t say anything good or inspirational about Mitt Romney, so you and your pathetic mongerl haters have the one strategy you have left, Character Assassination.. LIE, SMEAR, DISTORT, EXPLOIT CHILDREN, FEAR-MONGER people to vote for Romney. that is udderly low.
The point I'm trying to make is that you hypcortical racists are in NO position to be calling Barack Obama a liar of any kind, when for the last three years he has faced constant, unrelenting, mean-spirited, dishonest criticism since before he took office and every day since. His patriotism has been questioned by every member of the right wing echo chamber especially FoxNews and Rush Limbaugh, every single day he has served. He has been called a socialist, communist, Nazi, Marxist, traitor, foreign, un-American, liar, magic negro, halfrican and worse. He has suffered innumerable lies about his ideology, religion, family and even his place of birth. No other president in the history of this country has faced such unfounded open hostility and disrespect. No other president has ever been called a liar by a member of congress during a State of the Union, no other president has had to show his birth certificate...repeatedly.
he's not a racist and its disgusting if people are saying he is only because they do not like him. Calling someone racist is a serious allegation.
3:13 PM
Anonymous said... Is Barack Obama a urusrper? No. There is no such word. If you meant "usurper," it is still NO. The Electoral College provided the votes necessary to elect Obama as president.
Is Barack Obama a socalist? No. I do not know what a "socalist" is, but if you mean "socialist," it is still NO. A socialist would work toward public ownership of large portions of the economy and a reduction in the power of capital. As president, he has supported/saved private institutions, like banks, insurance companies, etc. The health plan he supported is actually an insurance plan in which the insurers are private, for-profit companies.
Is Barack Obama a Marxist? No. See answer above.
Is Barack Obama a communist? No. See answer above.
Is Barack Obama a dictator? No. As much as previous presidents, he follows the Constitution regarding the powers delegated to Congress, the President, and the Courts. Bush and Obama appear to have expanded executive power, but he acknowledges the power of Congress and the Courts.
Can Barack Obama be impeached? Yes. Any president can be impeached. There are provisions in the Constitution for doing so. It merely requires a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Is Barack Obama a Muslim? No. He has publicly and repeatedly professed his Christian religion for years.
Are you sick and tired of hearing SCOAMF? No. This is the first that I have heard of it.
Is Barack Obama a fraud? No. He has tried to implement into public policy what he said he would do. That is the opposite of fraud.
Is Barack Obama a triator? I am guessing you meant "traitor." NO. He has not aided enemies of the U.S. In fact, he has taken significant and successful actions against our enemies.
Does Barack Obama hate America? No. His actions show that the interests of America are likely to be the source for his decisions.
Anonymous, I was tempted to delete your 3-part rant, but I think not. I will leave it here for everyone to see what kind of stupid people support Barack Obama.
You have no idea of what you're talking about. But you certainly do believe it with a passion, I'll grant you that. (And just for your info, passion without intelligence = prejudice. That's right... I said it! YOU"RE PREJUDICED!
You call me a racist and you don't even know who I am or how many blacks and minorities I've hired over the years. YOU are the one who is racist my friend.
You're explanations about Obama's background are ludicrous. Your analysis is flawed. You are nothing but white hot anger (or should I say "black hot anger"?)
No, I will not delete your rant. I will leave your anger and mindlessness here for all to see... and pity.
Grow up, and THINK. Stop reacting with your balls.
Racist Right Play Hoiler Than Thou....again... PART 1
Oh, poor Mitt Romney! All those questions about his background. All those personal questions. Give poor Mitt a break and lay off of him. Poor guy. Let's all move to lying and criticizing and asking questions about Barack Obama instead.
When you ask if Mitt Romney has any assets that he is hiding in tax shelters or other things that give him a great leg-up on ordinary Americans, that is unfair!?!
When you ask if Mitt was or was not CEO of Bain [as federal documents show] during the years in confusion, don't ask poor Mitt to explain. Unfair!
When you ask Mitt for personal financial data on more than one year, that is unfair. Sure, John McCain revealed 20 years of such personal data when he ran for President, but that is no cause to question poor Mitt.
Don't be unfair and ask poor Mitt what financial holdings he has in the Cayman Islands, Switzerland, etc.
Let's see, have there ever been any unfair questions posed openly about Barack Obama? Isn't it interesting how pro-active the right-wingers were in pushing the lies, deceptions, and fairy tales about Obama? And these still go on. Examples:
Was Obama born in Indonesia?
Are the Hawaiian government's baptismal/birth records released to be believed?
How many death panels have been uncovered related to Obamacare?
What socialism has been found in Obamacare? What socialism has been found in Romneycare?
Is Obama a Chrisitan or a Moslem?
There are many-many questions that should be raised about the confusion surrounding Romney's past. What is unfair, is that the questions about Mitt's financial data can be answered very simply, if Mitt chose to do so. Why is Romney avoiding answering the simple questions? Why was he so silent when all the lies were being distributed about Obama?
When you are born into a favored position, as Romney was, it is difficult to be honest with the general public because you personally see yourself as above the common man and woman. Interesting how open was Mitt Romney's father, a politician and busnessman like his son, about personal matters and personal finances. In fact, Mitt's father, George Romney, chastised politicans for not being open and forthcoming.
Stooping to the muck of the right-wing questions, let me ask if the Romeny family came into the U.S. from Mexico legally or illegally? Was Mitt born in Mexico? May I see his birth certificate?
Again this is further proof I was right, Anyone who calls Barack Obama a fraud is, in fact, a racist, bigoted lyinh hypocrtical scumbag!
"Obama “sealing” his academic records." That is not true. They simply are private, just like Mitt Romney’s academic records.
Neither are “sealed.” Both are private. Neither has to show them.
“He deceived his publicist and would-be publisher that advanced him a whole lot of money in anticipation of a autobiography by a Kenyan born American.”
The publicity writer who wrote the blurb admitted making that mistake and said that Obama did not write it.
Racist Right Play Hoiler Than Thou....again... PART 2
It was not “ridiculously easy” to get a birth certificate in Hawaii saying “Kapiolani Hospital” on it (as Obama’s does) unless you were actually born in Kapiolani Hospital. It was not “ridiculously easy” to get a birth certificate in Hawaii that had the signature of a Kapiolani Hospital doctor on it unless you actually were born there and delivered by that doctor. Oh, and for the children who were not born in hospitals, the DOH in Hawaii at the time demanded a witness statement before issuing a birth certificate with a Hawaii place of birth on it.
Re Social Security number:
The Connecticut SS number was caused by a data entry error. SS numbers were generated by the zip code of the applicant’s address. Obama’s address in Hawaii was in zip code 96814, and the zip code for Danbury, CT. is 06814.
Millions of people have errors in their SS numbers and millions have multiple social security numbers, which were caused mainly by data entry errors:
You might well ask why, if there is evidence that Obama has multiple SS numbers and that one of them came from Connecticut that NO committee in Congress wants to investigate? Why not?
Because it is not illegal to have mistakes in your SS files, and lots of people do. And there is no evidence that this is other than a mistake, or a lot of mistakes. Republicans would be GLAD to hold a hearing to show that there was a crime involved with Obama’s SS number. But they KNOW that there is no evidence, and if they looked into their own files (I did to mine), they are likely to find multiple numbers in them.
We all know that evidence doesn't mean squat, right? Just ask the lunatic fringe *still* calling for Obama's "real birth certificate" years after the State of Hawaii has repeatedly claimed that according to official state records Obama was born in that state.
Do you know why we call you racists. Because that's what you are. There is NO other way to describe this type of hatred, but it is NOT is Patriotism...please. This is Racism, pure and simple!
Arpaio and Birthers in general are a disgusting group of people much along the lines of the KKK and other Conservative Hate groups.. What he spouts is not "truth" or "evidence" just fancy repackage BS of debunked lies and smearing crap!
there are only a few politicians who strike me as worthy of diagnosis. Many are extremely narcissistic. For example, people love to point to Newt Gingrich as someone who supposedly has Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and that makes a certain amount of sense, since he is given to making statements like "People like me are what stand between us and Auschwitz," but for my money he's more just a bloated, self-important asshole than someone with a genuine personality disorder (I might be wrong).
For that matter, to the degree that many--most?--Republicans believe that virtually anyone suffering any misfortune has brought it on themselves (their perverse application of "personal responsibility"), lack of empathy is almost a prerequisite for membership in the GOP.
Nonetheless, only a few politicians seem demonstrably off. Sorry, GOPers, Obama ain't one of them.
The two politicians that strike me as being odd almost to the point of nuttiness (and I don't pretend to be able to diagnose exactly what is wrong with them) are Michelle Bachmann and Allen West. As for Democrats, it's possible that Clinton had something cooking there with his sexual behavior. It went beyond Monica Lewinski, you know.
Racist Right Play Hoiler Than Thou....again... PART 3
Notice that you can;t say anything good or inspirational about Mitt Romney, so you and your pathetic mongerl haters have the one strategy you have left, Character Assassination.. LIE, SMEAR, DISTORT, EXPLOIT CHILDREN, FEAR-MONGER people to vote for Romney. that is udderly low.
The point I'm trying to make is that you hypcortical racists are in NO position to be calling Barack Obama a liar of any kind, when for the last three years he has faced constant, unrelenting, mean-spirited, dishonest criticism since before he took office and every day since. His patriotism has been questioned by every member of the right wing echo chamber especially FoxNews and Rush Limbaugh, every single day he has served. He has been called a socialist, communist, Nazi, Marxist, traitor, foreign, un-American, liar, magic negro, halfrican and worse. He has suffered innumerable lies about his ideology, religion, family and even his place of birth. No other president in the history of this country has faced such unfounded open hostility and disrespect. No other president has ever been called a liar by a member of congress during a State of the Union, no other president has had to show his birth certificate...repeatedly.
he's not a racist and its disgusting if people are saying he is only because they do not like him. Calling someone racist is a serious allegation.
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
Is Barack Obama a urusrper?
No. There is no such word. If you meant "usurper," it is still NO. The Electoral College provided the votes necessary to elect Obama as president.
Is Barack Obama a socalist?
No. I do not know what a "socalist" is, but if you mean "socialist," it is still NO. A socialist would work toward public ownership of large portions of the economy and a reduction in the power of capital. As president, he has supported/saved private institutions, like banks, insurance companies, etc. The health plan he supported is actually an insurance plan in which the insurers are private, for-profit companies.
Is Barack Obama a Marxist?
No. See answer above.
Is Barack Obama a communist?
No. See answer above.
Is Barack Obama a dictator?
No. As much as previous presidents, he follows the Constitution regarding the powers delegated to Congress, the President, and the Courts. Bush and Obama appear to have expanded executive power, but he acknowledges the power of Congress and the Courts.
Can Barack Obama be impeached?
Yes. Any president can be impeached. There are provisions in the Constitution for doing so. It merely requires a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Is Barack Obama a Muslim?
No. He has publicly and repeatedly professed his Christian religion for years.
Are you sick and tired of hearing SCOAMF?
No. This is the first that I have heard of it.
Is Barack Obama a fraud?
No. He has tried to implement into public policy what he said he would do. That is the opposite of fraud.
Is Barack Obama a triator?
I am guessing you meant "traitor." NO. He has not aided enemies of the U.S. In fact, he has taken significant and successful actions against our enemies.
Does Barack Obama hate America?
No. His actions show that the interests of America are likely to be the source for his decisions.
I was tempted to delete your 3-part rant, but I think not. I will leave it here for everyone to see what kind of stupid people support Barack Obama.
You have no idea of what you're talking about. But you certainly do believe it with a passion, I'll grant you that. (And just for your info, passion without intelligence = prejudice. That's right... I said it! YOU"RE PREJUDICED!
You call me a racist and you don't even know who I am or how many blacks and minorities I've hired over the years. YOU are the one who is racist my friend.
You're explanations about Obama's background are ludicrous. Your analysis is flawed. You are nothing but white hot anger (or should I say "black hot anger"?)
No, I will not delete your rant. I will leave your anger and mindlessness here for all to see... and pity.
Grow up, and THINK. Stop reacting with your balls.
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