Daily Wisdom

November 01, 2010

Autumn in New Jersey

Some views from around my house October 31, 2010...


At 11/01/2010 2:54 PM , Blogger Nick - The Survival Guru said...

Here in the California "Upper" Desert We had our first frost last night, although our fruit trees have been starting to turn.

Your pictures are beautiful.
nicky j.

At 11/01/2010 3:49 PM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Thanks. God's artwork!

(:D) Best regards...

At 11/01/2010 3:51 PM , Blogger Barb said...

My brain knows that the color in the leaves depends on the type of tree, the sugar and the moisture,but I would much rather picture The Lord and the Angels carefully painting each one. They did a wonderful job on yours.

At 11/01/2010 4:04 PM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

I hate raking, but I love the colors.

(:D) Best regards...

At 11/01/2010 4:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the pics; our back is gorgeous too. Pray God we can keep enjoying these wonderful sights and that some nut cake doesn't succeed in destroying them.

At 11/01/2010 5:30 PM , Blogger Beerme said...

WoW! Very pretty. Ours have all fallen, I'm afraid. They were pretty before the heavy winds took their toll, though.

At 11/01/2010 6:53 PM , Anonymous Mary Beth said...

How pretty! We are actually having a pretty Fall too, here in Okieland. Not enough rain, but enough that the trees are turning "properly". I love how God changes the "decor" each season!! :-)

At 11/01/2010 8:25 PM , Anonymous just call me shelly said...

Our color was not as bright this year. I guess it was the dry hot weather we had all summer. Plus the peak happened when I was not peaking (hospital ya know).

My flowers are pretty much done for. I have two pots I bring in every night but I think when I move this week I will forget about that.

Oh in case I didn't mention it, I am moving into a two bedroom (Yea) apartment this week if I can find someone to move me. Same building, but the bunker is moving down two floors. Closer too the great unwashed liberals.

Now I will have a dedicated room for my computers and photography as well as a place for all my medical equipment.

I hope to get my Shadows of America up and going once more. I been squeezed in a one bedroom apartment for six years but thanks to one government bureaucracy that works for me (Americans with Disability Act) I was able to get an apartment with more room.

I know there are folks who would like to kill that act but there are many of us who would get kicked out of sight if it wasn't for ADA. True there has been a lot of abuse.

Any how the trees look beautiful in New Jersey!

Vote vote vote!

At 11/01/2010 9:47 PM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

OK, I will say a prayer as you suggest.

(:D) Best regards...

At 11/01/2010 9:52 PM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

With the hot, dry summer we actually started losing leaves in August. Then we got about a week straight of rain and the leaves stopped falling for awhile. Now they won't stop until they're done, which should be in about 2-3 weeks.

(:D) Best regards...

At 11/01/2010 9:57 PM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Glad to hear the good news. It's hard to complain about the government when they are actually doing something FOR you. For the last year I've been on unemployment and I'm thankful for that. For the 36 years prior to that, the government only took and took and took. Can't wait to vote.

(:D) God Bless...

At 11/01/2010 10:05 PM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Mary Beth,
God does good work, doesn't He?

(:D) Best regards...

At 11/02/2010 1:16 AM , Blogger camojack said...

It was unusually warm this year, and wet fairly recently...so the leaves are still mostly green and remaining on the branches of this big ol' oak tree in my yard that I managed to save from my State Highway Department.

As for Jersey, I was riding the Harley through there last Friday and the colors were quite nice. I'll be passing through again this coming Friday, but the forecast is calling for rain, so I won't be on the Harley this time...

At 11/02/2010 9:05 AM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Well, if it's cloudy and raining, the colors won't seem as nice. It's that sunshine that really makes the colors come to life.

(:D) Best regards...


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