Daily Wisdom

March 20, 2010

Obama Health Care Lies

Inspired by an e-mail from Hankmeister...

The fact that President Obama can lie about this health care bill with a straight face shows just how devious, deceptive and dangerous this man really is...

--"You can keep your doctor" (unless your doctor is one of the 33-50% who threaten to leave medicine if this bill passes)

--"You can keep your insurance if you like it" (unless your health insurance company goes bankrupt or your employer dumps your plan)

--"premiums will fall by 14 to 20 percent", or "premiums will fall by 3,000 percent" [take your pick]

--"this plan will reduce the deficit by $138 billion over 10 years" (if you use 'fuzzy math')

--"taxes won't go up on ANYONE making less than $250,000" (but taxes will go up on health insurance companies, medical device makers, etc. and they will pass their costs on to you the consumer)

--"We're going to save Medicare by cutting $500 billion out of the program" (and get rid of the Medicare Advantage program that seniors like)

--"We're going to cut waste, fraud, abuse and inefficiency out of Medicare" (don't hold your breath)

--"Health care won't be rationed" (yeah, right... trust me)

--"Quality of service won't deteriorate" (while we provide coverage for 30 million more people, lose 33-50% of doctors, and government bureaucrats tell us what services we can or can't have... OK, if you say so)

--"We're not going to kill Granny" (we're just going to stand by and watch her die)

--"Doctors perform too many tests", yet... "Tort reform isn't important"

--"It's just like car insurance" (except that you don't need to buy car insurance as a condition of being a U.S. citizen)

--"Illegal aliens won't benefit from this" (except that health insurance companies won't have any capability to prove an applicant is illegal)

--"Health care costs won't go up" (are you on drugs man!)

I'm beginning to think Obama is a pathological liar.


At 3/21/2010 9:13 AM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...


(:I) Best regards...

At 3/22/2010 11:37 PM , Anonymous Elroy said...

But Hawkeye, of course, posts no lies as such, just a pile of assumptions on what MIGHT, in Beck world, happen. Typical fear mongering hysterics.

Get with it, Hawkeye – the rest of the developed world has figured out that universal healthcare is in the best interests of their citizens' freedom, so what is up with you guys? Seriously, what?



At 3/23/2010 8:45 AM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

the rest of the developed world has figured out that universal healthcare is in the best interests of their citizens' freedom.

Which is why those who can afford it leave their country and come to the U.S. for health care.

Which is why breast cancer survival rates in the U.S. are 90%+ while only 79% in the U.K.

Which is why the U.S. NEEDS 159 new government agencies and 16,000 new IRS agents.


At 3/23/2010 10:01 PM , Anonymous Elroy said...

‘Which is why those who can afford it leave their country and come to the U.S. for health care.’

The operative words being ‘those who can afford it’. The US has a fabulous healthcare system for the rich, they do just fine, it’s just that the lower classes are dropping dead so the point is not how good your healthcare is but whether it is accessible by the average slob.

In the rest of the developed world, proper healthcare is not considered the exclusive preserve of the elites but a birthright of the lowliest prole, just as it should be by anyone who values the sanctity of life.

And just so you know, people go to a bunch of other places for medical treatment too – China, Singaore, Germany, UK, France, even Australia, so don’t be thinking your so special. Meanwhile I million Californians annually seek medical treatment in Mexico…

‘Which is why breast cancer survival rates in the U.S. are 90%+ while only 79% in the U.K.

This stat is too vague. Are you referring to ten year survival rates or five? Matactisized cancer or not? More info please.

Still, maybe you could tell me why the USA’s child mortality rates are so high? Isn’t every child’s life sacred?

‘Which is why the U.S. NEEDS 159 new government agencies and 16,000 new IRS agents.’

What has this to do with health care?



At 3/24/2010 5:27 PM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

The operative words being ‘those who can afford it’. That is correct. Most of them are so taxed to death by their wonderful socialistic governments, that they have no money left over to afford the plane fare.

Meanwhile 1 million Californians annually seek medical treatment in Mexico. I'm not surprised. The people's republic of California is one of the best examples of socialism in America. It's citizens are overtaxed, and their tax money is wasted on foolishness. California is followed closely by NJ, NY and Michigan. The most socialized states in America are the ones that are doing the worst in this recession.

At 3/28/2010 3:10 PM , Blogger radar said...

It tolls for you and me...

Not a big Hemingway man, but Obamacare is the death knell for Constitutioal liberty in the USA. We need to encourage our AGs to file suit against the bill and our state legislatures to write legislation to opt out and especially vote for the right people in the primaries before the election rolls around!

At 3/29/2010 1:01 AM , Anonymous Elroy said...

‘Most of them are so taxed to death by their wonderful socialistic governments, that they have no money left over to afford the plane fare.’

Hmmm. It seems to me that the more ‘taxed to death’ citizens are by their ‘wonderful socialistic governments’ the less they need to chase healthcare in foreign countries.

The Swedes, say, and let’s pick another one out of the air, like…ooh… the French, are not overrepresented in the statistics of health tourists coming to the US because their high taxes have provided for a platinum-plated universal healthcare at home.

And anyhoo, it’s not the airfare that people can’t afford – that’s the cheap part. It’s the treatment that stings ‘em….

‘I'm not surprised. The people's republic of California is one of the best examples of socialism in America.’

California may be socially permissive, but economically it has been hamstrung for years by the rightist economic agenda.

‘It's citizens are overtaxed, and their tax money is wasted on foolishness.’

California’s problem is that its citizens are not taxed enough, no small thanks to Prop. 13.

Why conservatives don’t understand the concepts of shared risk and economies of scale is beyond me, not to mention the conflicts of interest inherent in having for-profit healthcare, but there you go – there is much about the conservative mindset that is beyond me, hence my continued dialogue with you, to help me get it.

‘California is followed closely by NJ, NY and Michigan. The most socialized states in America are the ones that are doing the worst in this recession.’

Logical fallacy alert! Post hoc ergo propter hoc ahoy! I posit that the reason that NJ, NY and MI are doing the worst in this recession is not that they are ‘socialized’ but that their industrial bases have been destroyed by forty-odd years of globalization and, ahem, ‘free’ enterpise courtesy of Reagan, Thatcher, Friedman et al.

It is frustrating to see GOPsters complain about amendments to the current bill which were insisted on by their elected representatives – so much for bipartisanship – but the point still remains, and maybe the GOPsters will work themselves into such a lather that wind up agreeing, that a single-payer healthcare system would render tens of millions of Americans healthier, richer and a damn sight more free.

These are all things conservatives purport to advance, so how about it? Willing to put the health and wealth of your fellow citizens above your failed ideology?



At 3/29/2010 10:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You can keep your doctor" (unless your doctor is one of the 33-50% who threaten to leave medicine if this bill passes).

Hmmm... So do two lies make one truth then? You start a post about Obama lying with another lie and then ask the reader to "trust me" a little further down the list. Um no thanks.

- Canucklehead

At 3/29/2010 10:21 PM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Amen brother.

(:D) Best regards...

At 3/29/2010 10:26 PM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Wake up. You don't live here, so don't try to tell me what's going on here. It takes a really pompous ass to try and lecture someone from another country about what's going on in their own country. Dolt!

At 3/29/2010 10:28 PM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

I was quoting polls. What are you murmuring on about?

At 3/30/2010 2:59 AM , Blogger radar said...

Canucklehead just likes to be wrong about everything. I think he is involved in some strange oppo game with another commenter to see who can be more wrong more often.

At 3/30/2010 10:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As long as Radar keeps saying I'm wrong, I know I'm on the right track. Hawkey, that particular "poll" was actually deconstructed on Radar's own blog. Further proof that Radar doesn't actually read the comments on his own site. Do you have a source for your "33-50%" number? Show me the "poll" you speak of. You can't do it because, at best, these are numbers cherry picked from a survey done by a private company for marketing purposes.


You guys are all just yelling "Fire!" because you are horrified by change, especially when it's undertaken by dirty, big-government-loving liberals. LOL. I mean, where were you during massive government expansion under Bush?

I promise, you guys will be better off when "profit" is removed completely from the health care equation.

- Canucklehead.

At 3/30/2010 1:08 PM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

I got my info from...

HERE, and

BTW, I don't trust anything Media Matters says because they are so Left-slanted.

At 3/30/2010 1:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course you don't trust Media Matters. You like unbiased sources for all you information needs. I get it. Yet, unfortunately, and hypocritically, the first link you listed goes to "USA Carry - The Premier Open and Concealed Carry Site On The Net", obviously a far and balanced news source.

Note that in your third link (interestingly, the same link that can be found in the Media Matters link I sent you) the New England Journal of Medicine clearly states,

"The opinions expressed in the article linked to above represent those of The Medicus Firm only. That article does not represent the opinions of the New England Journal of Medicine or the Massachusetts Medical Society."

So again, the "33-50%" figures are merely cherry picked from a survey done by a private company for marketing purposes. You were saying something about a poll...

That said, I'm not swaying you guys, and I know it (I mean, you are a "birther" after all), so have fun as you continue to scream into the conserva-blog echo chamber Hawkeye.

- Canucklehead.

At 3/30/2010 5:16 PM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

I will say what I think needs to be said regardless of who reads it, who appreciates it, or who believes it. I have been expressing my views for a long time now, and not a few of them have been vindicated.

At 4/01/2010 4:22 PM , Blogger radar said...

No polls were "deconstructed" on my site.

Canucklehead is a good barometer. If he is for you, you need to rethink. If he is against you then you are heading in the right direction. It is like military tactics, look for where the defenses are massed and there the most valued target is hidden. So again keep on keeping on and Happy Easter!

At 4/01/2010 4:25 PM , Blogger radar said...

Our infant mortality rate cannot be of interest to a retrogressive who wants the government to help pay for baby murdering. Since 1973 we have murdered more innocents than Hitler. Now Obamacare includes provisions that guarantee as Hilary Clinton states that our tax money will be spent, in part, for abortions.

At 4/01/2010 5:40 PM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Good comments. Thanks for "Viewing".

(:D) Best regards...

At 4/05/2010 1:07 AM , Anonymous Elroy said...

Wake up. You don't live here, so don't try to tell me what's going on here. It takes a really pompous ass to try and lecture someone from another country about what's going on in their own country. Dolt!’

By choosing to question whether I am ‘qualified’ to argue as opposed to actually addressing my arguments indicates, Hawkeye® loses.

It matters not one whit where I live as the facts are the facts are the facts (within, of course, the proviso that truth is relative) and we share them in the globalized, borderless world so beloved of Reagan et al. What is the point of being hooked up to the ‘worldwide’ web if you are going to exclude anyone from that wide world?

Anyhoo, I bring to the argument extensive first-hand experience of a single-payer universal health system, the kind of system that y’all so desperately need, and don’t forget that we also have a for-profit private health system alongside it, a system that, ironically, could not survive without a massive public subsidy.

I can read, Hawkeye®, and if half of what I read about your system is true then it needs root and branch reform more than you realize.

Y’see Hawkeye®, from my vantage point I can view the US healthcare argy-bargy with less ideological bias than you, especially when you are caught up with the partisan refusal of your party to recognize the Democrats mandate to legislate. Why not take advantage of it and debate?

‘I will say what I think needs to be said regardless of who reads it, who appreciates it, or who believes it.’

Or, by the looks of things, regardless of whether it is true or not or makes any sense.

‘I have been expressing my views for a long time now, and not a few of them have been vindicated.’

And many have been proven to be nonsense.

‘Our infant mortality rate cannot be of interest to a retrogressive who wants the government to help pay for baby murdering.’

Why do conservatives always have to emotionalize everything to the nth degree? And why do they insist on conflating disparate concepts in order to do so?

The infant mortality rate has nothing to do with the abortion rate, although it is curious that those who call pro-choice individuals ‘baby murderers’ seem utterly oblivious to the IMR? If pro-lifers truly cared about the lives of the unborn then the IMR would be their biggest priority, followed closely not by banning abortion outright but by studying how the overall number of abortion could be reduced.

They would emulate The Netherlands approach, home of world’s lowest abortion rate, and agitate for free and open abortion, free condoms and comprehensive sex education, as these the proven methods by which the abortion rate was reduced in The Netherlands.

Instead, however, the US conservatives will just keep plugging away at ‘abstinence’ and other worse-than-useless ‘solutions’ because they don’t really care about the outcome, just what makes them feel better and what fits their narrow mindset – that it fails millions of people is besides the point.



At 4/05/2010 9:37 AM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

I'm sorry. Did you hear something? ...Must be my imagination.

At 4/05/2010 10:32 PM , Anonymous Elroy said...

Consider this a white feather.

Good day, sir.



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