Daily Wisdom

June 15, 2009

Don't Underestimate The American People

Hat-tip to DKS...

A friend of mine forwarded this video to me as an attachment to an e-mail. The video was supposedly created by a teenager named 'Justin' for the April 15th Tax Day Tea Party. That was all the information I could get from the e-mail. At the end of the video, it says 'Created by Justin Holcomb'. The name of the video file I received was called "An American Anthem", so I went to You-Tube and searched for that video and sure enough, I was directed to the following page...


...where I found the video I was looking for. I decided to post it to my blog, because I think it's great. But for the heck of it, I wanted to see if Justin was indeed a "teenager" since the video seems to be very professionally done.

The You-Tube page said that the video was connected with the Trussville, Alabama Tea Party. So I did some research and found that there was in fact a "Justin Nathaniel Holcomb" that graduated on May 28th of this year from the Hewitt-Trussville High School class of 2009 (see HERE).

I think Justin might just have a future in media presentations. See if you don't agree...


At 6/16/2009 9:06 AM , Blogger Conserve-a-tip said...

That gave me chill bumps. Thanks for posting that. I have sent it on to friends. It is truly a must see!!!

At 6/16/2009 11:52 AM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Glad you liked it! I thought you might.

(:D) Best regards...

At 6/16/2009 9:16 PM , Blogger Just call me Shelly said...

majorly cool. I agree--goose bump city

At 6/16/2009 9:21 PM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Ms RW,
"Majorly cool"? You're starting to sound like my daughter... but that's a good thing!

(:D) Best regards...

At 6/17/2009 6:43 AM , Blogger Beerme said...

I'll remember that when I or one of my friends complains about the state of "young people" today.
Thanks, Hawkeye®!

At 6/17/2009 8:53 AM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

My pleasure!

(:D) Best regards...


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