Plumbers Of The World Unite!
As you probably know by now, "Joe the Plumber" Wurzelbacher was first made famous in a You-Tube video where he tells Obama that he is interested in buying a business that makes $250-$280,000 per year and that Obama's tax plan is "killing the American dream". Joe was expressing the legitimate concern of many small business owners, but it was embarassing for Obama. Obama told Joe "we have to spread the wealth around". In the third and final Presidential debate, John McCain mentioned "Joe the Plumber" when he attacked Obama's tax plan as "class warfare".
In a fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, the Obama hordes descended upon Wurzelbacher in an effort to smear him. Obama led the charge with his mocking question, "How many plumbers do you know makin' a quarter million dollars a year?" Biden then took Obama's lead saying, "I don't have any Joe the plumbers in my neighborhood that make $250,000 a year." The left-wing blogs then started slamming "Joe the Plumber" saying he does not really make $250,000 a year, that he cannot afford to buy a company making $250-$280,000 per year, that he is a sham, and even that he was a McCain plant, etc.
Obama's strategy can only be self-defeating. He tried to turn "Joe the Plumber" into a big joke. By implication, Obama and Biden are not only attacking "Joe the Plumber", but "Joe the Electrician", "Joe the Auto Mechanic", "Joe the Landscaper", as well as "Joe the Accountant" and "Joe the Lawyer". There are many people who are self-employed or own a small business that might fit into the category of making $250,000 a year or more. And if such people are not making $250,000 a year or more, they would certainly love to get to the point where they are. If they are anywhere near that threshold, Obama's tax plan will eliminate any incentive to grow and expand, or to be more successful.
There can be only one response to Obama-Biden: "Plumbers of the world, unite!" Unite with the electricians, the auto mechanics, the landscapers, and even the lawyers and accountants. Tell Obama: "NO-BAMA!" Vote McCain-Palin.
Amen brother...
Hear, hear!
Joe the Working Class Hero!!!
Or, "Here, here"? Or, "Hear here"?
(:D) Best regards...
I believe the way I wrote it is correct.
To wit:
Why do people say, "Hear, hear"?
Hear hear
Also short perhaps for "Hear ye, hear ye!"
(:D) Best regards...
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