I sent this email to Reid Monday morning. No response, but I didn't really expect one.
Dear Senate Majority Traitor,
As an honorably discharged veteran, I take offense to your statement that America has lost this war. It is a slap in the face to all active duty, injured, dead service personnel and their families, not to mention myself and those who died in Vietnam!
IF, yes IF, America loses this war, it will be because defeatists like you, and the antiwar crowd , (that caused us to retreat from Vietnam BEFORE the job was done), will do the SAME THING in Iraq, that happened there!
That your obvious hatred for Bush, has spilled over to wanting America to be defeated so it will reflect on him, you have become a danger to America and it's hero's, (our brave troops). I therefore call for your resignation IMMEDIATELY, before you embolden our enemy with any more of your pro-enemy propaganda!
YOU sir, are NO LEADER, in any way, shape, or form! Please resign IMMEDIATELY, for the good of our nation!
Gee, sorry to ruin your pity-party Hawkeye® but really, deep down you guys must love Harry Reid and his cohorts – now you'vr got someone to blame for the Iraq debacle other that Team Bush. What a relief that must be!
the only thing more pathetic than Hawkeye's lameass attempt to attack Harry Reid for speaking the truth is Harry Reid taking so damn long to realize that the war is lost.
All you losers listen up. If you have any friends or family serving in Iraq, please tell them that they have wasted their past 4 years of their lives.
Iraq is a joke. There is a report out today that re-construction efforts in Iraq are nothing but a sham. I guess the ones overseeing the reconstruction efforts might be some of the 150 graduates from Regent law school.
WCL, You're a real stitch! In one breath you say the war is lost and Harry Reid took a long time to realize it. Then in the next breath you call us losers because we haven't given up yet.
So... who then are the REAL "losers"? The ones who admit defeat prematurely (even when they have no idea what's happening on the ground in Iraq)? Or the ones who refuse to accept defeat under any circumstances?
Sounds to me like the "losers" are the ones who are waving the white flag. Those who are fighting, and dying, and re-upping for their third or fourth tours are NOT the losers. They are the VICTORS. They are the HEROES. They are the NOBLE... You, quite to the contrary, are simply crud.
WCL, "There is a report out today that re-construction efforts in Iraq are nothing but a sham."
Oh, and I'll bet it was SUCH a prestigious organization that put out THAT report. Probably the UN-ACLU-NYT-WaPo-NPR-PBS-CBS-NBC-ABC coalition, eh? Gimme a break!
Hawkeye: You guys are losers because you stubbornly refuse to admit and face up to the truth, i.e. the war was lost way before Harry Reid opened his mouth. I hope that clarifies it.
Real men have the courage, the integrity, the intelligence and the decency to admit that they've made mistakes and to withdraw and fight another day, another battle than continue to fight a hopeless situation with no end in sight.
Folks like yourself are losers because you just refuse to admit the truth. You claim that the facts on the ground are not being accurately reported. That's just another conservative talking point that slams the supposedly liberal media.
Seriously, the war is lost dude... you kids need to grow up and realize that in life, you can't win every single battle and retreat doesn't always signify admission of defeat.
The important thing to note is that in situations of defeat, one does not lose sight of who he truly is despite the tough times. It is obvious that in this war, America has lost sight of who she is. I don't give a shit about Abu Ghraib but Walter Reed, the botched military operations from day one, not having a contigency plan, etc.. etc.. are clear signs that America has lost her way in Iraq.
It is hilarious that you constantly claim that true facts on the ground are not being reported but yet you are ignorant of the fact that the Special Inspector General for Iraq construction Stuart Bowen issued a report a few days ago claiming re-construction in Iraq is a catastrophe.
Out of the 8 projects previously hailed as role models, 7 have been deemed as failures. Here is a statement from the report.
"If these projects are typical of the quality and effectiveness of operations and maintenance performance, the value of the U.S. investment in Iraq reconstruction will be at risk."
I'm guessing the next thing that'll come from you is that the inspector general is a flamming liberal.
WCL, "Real men have the courage, the integrity, the intelligence and the decency to admit that they've made mistakes and to withdraw and fight another day, another battle than continue to fight a hopeless situation with no end in sight".
TOTAL B.S.!!... REAL men fight to the death! "Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." --John 15:13
PANSIES look at poll numbers. When popular support for a tough war starts to wane, the PANSIES want to run away. It's important for them to remain "popular", dontcha know. There is absolutely NO integrity, intelligence or decency in trying to remain "popular" with a fickle public.
WCL, "The important thing to note is that in situations of defeat, one does not lose sight of who he truly is despite the tough times."
I suggest that you go to Iraq, join al-Qaeda and see how well it's goin' over there... OK buddy? When you've gotten the Coalition Forces and the Iraqi Army to sign your demand for surrender... then get back to me, and we'll talk about defeat.
WCL, "the Special Inspector General for Iraq construction Stuart Bowen issued a report a few days ago claiming re-construction in Iraq is a catastrophe...
"If these projects are typical of the quality and effectiveness of operations and maintenance performance, the value of the U.S. investment in Iraq reconstruction will be at risk."
Me-thinks my friend you exaggerate just a TAD! What Mr. Bowen calls a "risk" of U.S. investment... you call a "catastrophe". I suggest you check the definitions for those words (they are NOT the same). A "risk" is something which is in jeapordy of failure. A "catastrophe" is an unmitigated failure. You don't even seem to know the Queen's English.
WCL, William F. Buckley is a "paleo-con". He was fine in the 70's when he was the ONLY major conservative voice in America. I watched him on TV back then and ignored him at first (because I was a liberal), but then became an avid fan as I moved towards conservatism.
Lately however, he seems to have turned into a quivering mass of political goo. He seems to have joined ranks with the likes of you. (If you agree with him, then I MUST be against him). He suggests in his article that if terrorism is akin to a disease, then we can't win in Iraq.
That is sheer defeatism. We have made tremendous progress fighting diseases (especially cancer) in the last 25 years. If we chose to stop fighting diseases because we viewed them as "unbeatable", then there would be no reason to vaccinate people against polio, mumps, measles, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, chicken pox, etc. (and there would be many more deaths atrtributable to said diseases).
If terrorism is akin to a disease than I suggest we spend the money to find a cure! Let's vaccinate every country against terrorism and wipe out the disease once and for all.
Grow up dude. You're not in the middle of a Western film. We're talking real lives and a real-life situation here.
What do you think this is? The board game Risk?
There is a reason why soldiers in the army are taught tactics on how to retreat successfully in the combat situation. The army wouldn't be teaching this if they went with your asinine philosophy of 'no retreat, fight to the death'.
You need to grow up. Withdrawing from Iraq is not a sign of giving up on fighting terrorists, just like saying sorry to your wife for having done something stupid is not not a sign of compromising your man-liness.
"What Mr. Bowen calls a "risk" of U.S. investment... you call a "catastrophe"
sorry, I did exaggerate a bit. I was under the impression that billions of US taxpayer dollars spent on projects previously hailed as successes but now deemed as utter failures would render the overall reconstruction effort in Iraq a catastrophe but if you disagree, that's fine with me.
Hawkeye, Don't you see a trend in the number of staunch Republicans/Conservatives that have come out against the war and/or recommend a timeline for withdrawal?
What about the likes of Powell, Scowcroft, Howard Baker, etc..? All defeatists too I guess huh?
WCL, What the hell is wrong with you conservative morons? Why does everything have to be black or white?
I never said it had to be black or white. My contention is that we are fighting a war and the war is not over yet. You and Harry Reid say it is already "LOST". That sounds far more definitive to me than what I've said. Since you seem to be so sure the war is lost, I just wanted to know HOW you have come to that conclusion. The answer appears to be that if a war is not won within a certain timeframe then, by definition, it MUST be lost. I disagree with your logic. If we use the analogy of a sports competition, there are (3) options: win, lose or tie. My suggestion would be that we have not yet won and neither has al-Qaeda in Iraq. If you check the scoreboard, we have lots more points than they do. (See my web site Victory Against Terror.) You and Harry Reid are suggesting that we lose by forfeit. You want us to unilaterally declare defeat. That seems eminently foolish to me (and to many others), especially considering the potential ramifications of failure.
WCL, You need to grow up. Withdrawing from Iraq is not a sign of giving up on fighting terrorists, just like saying sorry to your wife for having done something stupid is not not a sign of compromising your man-liness.
I am willing to say "I'm sorry" to my wife because we are married. When we took our vows 30 years ago, we pledged to love and cherish one another 'til death do us part, etc.
I have no such commitment to the terrorists in Iraq. We (all of us non-Islamists) are not married to al-Qaeda. We have made no pledge to them, nor them to us. They do NOT have our best interests at heart, as does my wife. In fact, they want to kill ALL infidels... including YOU my friend. It has nothing to do with "man-liness" and everything to do with sheer survival.
And if you think "growing up" means appeasing terrorists, then I prefer to remain "childish"... thank you. And yes, withdrawing from Iraq DOES mean giving up on fighting terrorists. If we know the terrorists are there and we walk away... what else could it be a sign of??
Elroy, Read the article at your link. Interesting concept, but as with many such theories, it is a gross over-simplification. If "hawkish" views are more persuasive than "dovish" views, I would contend that this is because historical evidence bears them out in contrast to any mental predispositions. We have plenty of proof that Islamists want to kill "infidels" in great numbers. We have plenty of proof that appeasement does not work.
Hawkeye, "Aren't you exaggerating there a bit as well? Did Mr. Bowen use the term "utter failures"?"
Like I said, it's all a matter of opinion. If I wanted to build a house from scratch and spent a lot of money in doing so, I would describe it as an "utter failure" on the part of the construction crew if it turned out like the way those projects in Iraq turned out.
Nooooooooooo! Not the dreaded sporting analogy! And you criticize us for black and white, over-simplified generalizations?
But hey! Here is the situation in black and white, over-simplified generalizations or, as we in the reality – based community like to call it, a nutshell. The USA has lost because it can never win. They do not want the Sunni to take over and do not want the Shia to take over. So what does it want? Geneva on the Tigris? Secular democracy? Any chance of that occurring is long gone if it was ever there in the first place.
So if a Sunni victory is unacceptable, and a Shia (AKA Iranian) victory is unacceptable, and a stable secular democracy is unattainable, what is there left?
30-plus-year occupation. It was all planned, my dear. You don’t really think they do these things on a whim, do you? Geopolitical moves like this are years in the planning.
The ‘Al-Quada’ that the US is fighting in Iraq is not the Al-Quada that supposedly pulled off 9/11, if that Al-Quada ever really existed in the first place; they are now more like a franchise for disaffected Muslims from across the globe that comprises approximately 2% of the population, and you will never shoot them all – they are not a finite resource. It’s like a nightmare Whack-A-Mole!; every time you hit one, ten more appear.
Al-Quada have always stated that their main objective was the removal of US bases from the holy lands, i.e. Mecca, i.e. Saudi Arabia. And guess what? A couple of days before Bush’s ‘Mission Accomplished’ farrago, The USA did just that – Rumsfeld closed the Saudi bases. Why do you think that Al-Quada haven’t bombed the USA? No need! Mission accomplished indeed!
What the USA really wanted was oil, control of the oil and a military foothold in the Middle East that was not dependent on the goodwill of the Saudi princes. So having appeased Al-Quada, Rummy took off to Iraq!
The US doesn’t have an exit strategy because it doesn’t need one – it has never intended to leave. The USA has no wish to abandon its multi-billion dollar bases and Vatican-size Embassy because they need them, not least to protect the oil, and they are working hard on getting Bremmer’s new laws concerning the distribution of oil profits passed by the Malaki government, although that dimension is looking shaky.
Don’t forget that Operation Iraqi Freedom was originally called Operation Iraqi Liberation, but it was changed when the powers-that-be realized that they might not get away with the acronym after all.
So yeah, the USA has to hang on tight in order to protect its investments. If it has to brick up the Sunnis (Mr. Bush! Tear down this wall!) while funding them to hit the Shia so as to keep up the violence levels and provide excuses for not pulling out so be it. I would be surprised if the next WH administration (which should be Democrat, all things being equal) pulls out completely; no USA government has ever given up such strategic advantage, except for the current one, when Rummy pulled out of Saudi Arabia.
Do you really want to spend the next thirty years defending oil profits? Because that is the reality the US is facing. Bush now says that victory in Iraq is down to reducing the odds of being able to go to the shops without being blown to smithereens, which might take a while considering that continued sectarian violence in Iraq is the USA’s long term interests. This has nothing to do with ‘democracy’ or that paranoid fantasy called ‘The War On Terror’, where the enemy is all of your own construction; it has to do with the future of oil resources, geopolitical power and, unfortunately, an increasing sense of a religious crusade.
There were plenty of other ways to evict Saddam Hussein; that the USA chose the method that it did speaks volumes about its true intentions.
Of course, the big winner out of all of this is Iran. Where do you think Malaki has been hiding all these years? Arkansas? No, he’s been in Iran. It’s true that the Iranians are Persians and not Arabs, but they are Shia, and if you knock out the ruling minority in a country (the Iraqi Sunni) the majority (the Iraqi Shia) are going to take over and naturally their neighbours are going to take an active interest. Wouldn’t y’all want to know who’s running South and Central America? And wouldn’t y’all want to make sure that whoever it is would be friendly to your interests? Yes. See The Monroe Doctrine and the Roosevelt Collary.
So the only way the USA can ‘win’ is to stay as a hostile occupying force for the next the next thirty-odd years. Will they stay? Time will tell. But that is the plan.
Iran is pretty pleased with this outcome. Their worst enemy was knocked out by their second worst enemy, an enemy who are now on the verge of being vanquished, while a man steeped in their own political culture gets the gig of head cheese! Iran really couldn’t have organized it better! What did y’all expect to happen?
And as for this ‘Real men fight to the death’ nonsense – puh-leese! I thought we, the human race, had learnt this lesson from WW1. Real men, real flesh and blood men, fought to a bloody and pointless death because their generals could not give in. Of course, a political settlement was eventually found, albeit an unsatisfactory one that had to be settled by WW2 and one that we are still wrestling with today, but found nonetheless. How many lives would have been saved if that Armistice had been declared a day earlier? A week? A month? Four years?
In 1914, everyone said ‘It’ll be over by Christmas!’ Wrong! Why are we still such suckers?
It proves the point I was trying make with that link to the SMH. The US is willing to risk a 90% chance of suffering a 100% defeat instead of 100% chance of a 90% defeat, which is all very well unless it is you or yours in that spare 10%, or if you care about them at all.
‘Often, both sides end up believing they're merely reacting to the provocative behavior of the other’ say Kahneman and Resshon, and that’s true – see the Israel/Palestine divide, and don’t forget that the opponents in that conflict, in Iraq, in any war you care to mention, think that God is on their side.
(BTW, if that article was too simplistic for you why not go into more detail and try Professor Daniel Kahneman and Jonathan Renshon’s full article? http://www.foreignpolicy.com/story/cms.php?story_id=3660 )
I had hoped, being the higher mammals and all, that Homo sapiens would be pretty much over this ‘war’ thing by now – ah well.
Hawkeye, I suggest that instead of looking up the definitions of ‘risk’ and ‘catastrophe’ you look up ‘euphemism’ and ‘diplomatic’.
I understand that you have made a committment to your wife, as I have to mine, and I applaud that, but to stretch the analogy, if you broke into a house down the street and demolished it while looking for a cache of AK47s that were never there, wouldn't you feel the need to aplogise? And don't you think law enforcement mighy have something to say?
And as for your analogy that ‘terrorism’ is a ‘disease’ that must be ‘cured’. well, let’s have look at that shall we?
We have cured diseases, as you say, by inoculation, NOT by killing everyone that has them. We go to the source, we find out what, exactly, is causing the disease and fight that. We don’t round up all those suffering from polio, mumps, measles, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, chicken pox et al and load them into gas chambers because they are ‘evil’ and ‘unclean’; no, we try to sort out the problem and then, just as importantly, try to prevent it from re-occurring.
So surely, to follow your logic, we must attempt to find out just why these people do what they do and fix that, discover what is the cause of this lethal fanaticism. The problem is that the USA is not going to like this approach, being as they are the primary source of the virus, but maybe it is the price the USA will have to pay for the mess in Iraq – stop telling the world what to do, stop filling up the world with its rubbish,start sharing the resources of the world with the world and stop bleeding it dry with its dodgy trade deals, and the World Bank, the IMF and all the rest, learn to accept a new world order without the USA on the top of it, learn accept the end of PNAC and US global hegemony. It's going to be hard, but you have only the WH to blame.
As Republicans never stop reminding us, we must be responsible for our own actions, and if that goes for individuals it surely goes for nation states too.
So yeah, maybe there will be a way to ‘win’ this thing – it's just not your definition of it.
PS I wrote this while watching 'Wag The Dog' - oh, the ironies!
"I have no such commitment to the terrorists in Iraq."
It's pretty pathetic that until today you are still in gross delusion of the fact that most American soldiers and Iraqi citizens that have died so far in this ill-conceived and poorly-executed war in Iraq are the result of Sunni/Shia violence, and NOT as a result of anything Al-Qaeda related.
If anything, recent reports have suggested that some Shia militia groups have struck Al Qaeda targets as well.
"In fact, they want to kill ALL infidels... including YOU my friend."
And the best way to deal with Al Qaeda is to go to invade Iraq who has zero ties with Al Qaeda???
Sure, there are Al Qaeda terrorists in Iraq but the guys shooting at American troops everyday and every hour are, for the most part, NOT Al Qaeda and who probably do not give a rat's ass about Osama bin Laden.
Even if EVERY SINGLE Al Qaeda member, from Osama all the way down to the lowest-ranked foot solder DIES tomorrow, American troops and Iraqi civilians are still going to be perishing in great numbers on a daily basis.
"Since you seem to be so sure the war is lost, I just wanted to know HOW you have come to that conclusion."
1. Iraq is in full-fledged civil war.
2. Iraqis have slowly come to the conclusion that as much of a venemous bastard Saddam is, life under his dictatorship was no better or worse than life in the midst of a civil war
3. American troops are totally worn out and stressed out.
4. The Pentagon is so worried about winning an un-winnable war in Iraq that it has allowed the nation's most prestigious military medical facility to be invested with rats and mould.
5. Countries that were originally with American have fled left, right and center.
6. The Pentago nis so desperate for any positive news coming out of Iraq that it had the audacity to lie about the true cause of Pat Tillman's death just so to score some PR points.
7. The military is having problems recruiting and numerous reports have pointed to military recruiters outright lying in order to present their cases.
8. Republicans will bail on Bush this coming fall.
Elroy, The USA has lost because it can never win. Sophomoric, jaded, anti-American speculation.
They do not want the Sunni to take over and do not want the Shia to take over. So what does it want? Geneva on the Tigris? Secular democracy? Yes.
Any chance of that occurring is long gone if it was ever there in the first place. Oh really?
30-plus-year occupation. It was all planned, my dear. You don’t really think they do these things on a whim, do you? Geopolitical moves like this are years in the planning. Another conspiracy theory, eh? Rubbish.
The ‘Al-Quada’ (sic) that the US is fighting in Iraq is not the Al-Quada (sic) that supposedly pulled off 9/11 "Supposedly"? Yes, you really are a conspiracy theorist aren't you? But you're right... the only similarities between al-Qaeda in Iraq and Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda is that: 1) both groups swear allegiance to Osama bin Laden, and 2) both groups kill hundreds of people indiscriminately in the name of Islamism. We should also ignore the fact that both Osama bin Laden and Ayman Zawahiri (al-Qaeda's top two) have stated that the war in Iraq is the MOST IMPORTANT battle for Islam (ie, al-Qaeda) today.
if that Al-Quada (sic) ever really existed in the first place Your conspiracy fears are really getting the best of you, you know.
What the USA really wanted was oil, control of the oil What a tired, boring, bumper-sticker mentality you have. If the USA only wanted oil, then why is the USA spending so much time and money trying to rebuild Iraqi non-oil infrastructure and encourage Iraqi democracy? If the USA only wanted oil, then why has the USA not taken any oil? If the USA only wanted oil, then why is ALL the revenue from Iraqi oil going to... (DUH!) Iraq? If all the USA wanted was oil, then we would have gone in and taken the oil. We would have taken the oil and said, "To hell with the people. To hell with anything other than oil."
The US doesn’t have an exit strategy because it doesn’t need one – it has never intended to leave. More speculation. Foolish speculation at that.
The USA has no wish to abandon its multi-billion dollar bases and Vatican-size Embassy "Multi-billion dollar bases?" Are you kidding me? Most of the American bases are former Iraqi military bases that were totally run-down. Some of the bases are nothing more than small outposts in the middle of nowhere. "Vatican-size Embassy"? The Vatican is 0.2 of a square mile. If my math is correct, that is equal to 5,575,680 square feet. Is the U.S. embassy in Iraq really that big? I think "multi-billion" and "Vatican-size" is a bit of exaggeration... but then again, you seem to be prone to exaggeration.
Sorry, but I just can't take it any more. I can only put up with so much of your crap. Must end now.
Hawkeye: You must be one of the 28% of the public who still approve of the job that Bush is doing in the White House.
Why can't you just admit that the war is a lost cause?
Every damn thing in Iraq hinges upon the ability of the Iraqis to come to a political reconciliation. The Maliki government has shown that it is either incapable or unwilling to take the bold steps to make that happen. what it is willing to do however, is TAKE A 2 MTH SUMMER VACATION while American blood is spilled all around Baghdad.
WCL, You must be one of the 28% of the public who still approve of the job that Bush is doing in the White House. You bet!
Why can't you just admit that the war is a lost cause? Because I can't admit what I don't believe. All signs tell me we're winning (and winning BIG). Please see my other web site Victory Against Terror.
Every damn thing in Iraq hinges upon the ability of the Iraqis to come to a political reconciliation. Yes, and it's happening. Muqtada al-Sadr has been driven out of Iraq and is clearly impotent. The Shia death squads are being eliminated and they're on the run. The former Sunni insurgents in Anbar Province have joined forces with the Coalition troops to fight foreign al-Qaeda terrorists, and they are seeking to join the political process in Baghdad.
The Maliki government has shown that it is either incapable or unwilling to take the bold steps to make that happen. You are uninformed my friend. It IS happening. Large segments of Baghdad have been cleared of militia. Iraqi Police (IP) Forces are growing rapidly (especially in Anbar). The IP are becoming a mature and capable group. The Iraqi Army (IA) is taking the lead on many more operations. The Iraqi Special Operations Forces (ISOF) are acting in many cases only with American advisors to observe. Coalition bases are being turned over to the Iraqis. You just don't hear these things in the Moonbat Liberal Media you subscribe to.
what it is willing to do however, is TAKE A 2 MTH SUMMER VACATION while American blood is spilled all around Baghdad. I guess you didn't catch the news that the 2 month recess has been cancelled. Click HERE
You choose to focus on the fact that the Iraqi parliament has cancelled its 2-mth vacation under HUGE PRESSURE from the White House instead of the outrageous fact that the Iraqis had the gall to declare a 2-month break to begin with.
If you choose to live in delusion, it's totally up to you. Eleven Republican Reps visited Bush yesterday to let them know that the current situation is unacceptable but instead you choose to believe the crap from Faux News "we are winning big"??????
WTF?? if we are "winning big" as you understand it, why would these 11 Republicans have the need confront Bush to warn him that they and many others will bail if the situation doesn't improve soon???
WCL, THANK YOU! When you express your disdain for me, then I am convinced that all is well with the world. If I can irritate a pompous @$$ like you then... "I done good".
"Delusion" is simply a matter of perspective. I may be deluded that we are winning "BIG", and you may be deluded that we have "lost". But be assured that I do not attribute my opinion to FoxNews. My opinion is the result of reading months and months of Centcom Press Releases, supported by the occasional MSM acknowledgement that those press releases are correct.
And BTW, I don't get excited about the opinions of "11 Republicans". There are at least 11 RINOs. If you don't know what that means, let me explain it... RINO = "Republican In Name Only". Capiche??
You conservative idiots view all things through military eyes.
America has lost the goodwill of its European allies, the goodwill of moderate Arab nations like Jordan and Egypt, and viewed with scorn even by Canada.
In the meantime, the Communist Dragon has risen to become the most powerful military force on the planet. It is also armed with a trillion or so dollars in its reserves.
Iran continues to taunt America with building nuclear weapons and there is nothing America can do about it. Not even the most hawkish conservatives advocate invading Iran.
America has a broken Marine corp, a broken army, rodent-infested military hospitals and hundreds of billions of dollars of federal and trade deficits.
And oh yes, Osama bin Laden is still well and alive, probably eating caviar while American troops get caught in the middle of a full-fledged civil war that has no end in sight.
WCL, how about the GALL of the United States Congress and Senate taking recess in September 2001 just after 9/11? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
Liberas are the most uncompassionate people I've ever seen. If anyone deserves a recess, is it not the Iraqi Parliament who risks life and limb daily just to show up to work? My guess is they serve their country more than you've served yours.
"how about the GALL of the United States Congress and Senate taking recess in September 2001 just after 9/11?"
This is nothing short of asinine. Tom DeLay and Bill Frist could have cancelled the recess but they did not do so and you're blaming it on liberals????
"If anyone deserves a recess, is it not the Iraqi Parliament who risks life and limb daily just to show up to work?"
Of course they need a break from their daily duties of NOT being able to come up with a political reconciliation. They need a summer break from their INABILITY to stop the violence.
wake up and smell the coffee. It's the Republicans are going ballistic over the 2-mth summer break. It's Bob Gates that has called it "unacceptable". It's Cheney that flew all the way there to dissuade the Iraqis from taking the 2-month break.
It's amazing that you have the gall to defend the Iraqi officials. It shows how ignorant you are. Even the top brass of the Pentagon is pissed at the Iraqis for their inability to get shit done and here you are painting a rosy picture of the Iraqi officials.
"And please, who cares what the Europeans think of us?"
It's not just the Europeans. It's just about every other country on planet earth. If one were to take a poll of the citizens in every country, can you please name me a country in which the majority of its citizens have a favourable view of the US today??
yes, of course, the US is picking up the UN's slack. I mean, trust the UN to drop a ball on an ill-conceived and pathetically-executed war in Iraq. What the hell was the UN thinking?
I'll vote for that!!
All in favor?? Say "aye"...
G*d d**m reality-based liberals!
I sent this email to Reid Monday morning. No response, but I didn't really expect one.
Dear Senate Majority Traitor,
As an honorably discharged veteran, I take offense to your statement that America has lost this war. It is a slap in the face to all active duty, injured, dead service personnel and their families, not to mention myself and those who died in Vietnam!
IF, yes IF, America loses this war, it will be because defeatists like you, and the antiwar crowd , (that caused us to retreat from Vietnam BEFORE the job was done), will do the SAME THING in Iraq, that happened there!
That your obvious hatred for Bush, has spilled over to wanting America to be defeated so it will reflect on him, you have become a danger to America and it's hero's, (our brave troops). I therefore call for your resignation IMMEDIATELY, before you embolden our enemy with any more of your pro-enemy propaganda!
YOU sir, are NO LEADER, in any way, shape, or form! Please resign IMMEDIATELY, for the good of our nation!
All in due time.
I vote yea also! I wrote a note of gratitude to VP Cheney for his "spank" of Weasel Harry on Tuesday.
Thanks all for your GREAT comments... Ohhh, but not you Elroy.
(:D) Best Regards
Gee, sorry to ruin your pity-party Hawkeye® but really, deep down you guys must love Harry Reid and his cohorts – now you'vr got someone to blame for the Iraq debacle other that Team Bush. What a relief that must be!
Hawkeye, this is off topic but just so you know:
Sorry, but your link is incomplete... can't you do anything right?
Allow me:
Oops! My, as I believe y'all say, bad. Here y'a go:
And the answer to your question is: not if I can help it – I do everything left.
Mrs. Kajun,
Thanks! Your vote is duly noted... and appreciated.
(:D) Best Regards,
P.S.-- I haven't heard from either you or Mr. Kajun lately. Hope all is well?? God's Blessings upon you.
the only thing more pathetic than Hawkeye's lameass attempt to attack Harry Reid for speaking the truth is Harry Reid taking so damn long to realize that the war is lost.
All you losers listen up. If you have any friends or family serving in Iraq, please tell them that they have wasted their past 4 years of their lives.
Iraq is a joke. There is a report out today that re-construction efforts in Iraq are nothing but a sham. I guess the ones overseeing the reconstruction efforts might be some of the 150 graduates from Regent law school.
To r.a.m. -
yeah I'm sure Harry Reid is responsible for the war in Iraq that was lost way before he even opened his mouth.
Just because you're an honorably discharged veteran doesn't give you a right or the moral authority to act stupid.
You're a real stitch! In one breath you say the war is lost and Harry Reid took a long time to realize it. Then in the next breath you call us losers because we haven't given up yet.
So... who then are the REAL "losers"? The ones who admit defeat prematurely (even when they have no idea what's happening on the ground in Iraq)? Or the ones who refuse to accept defeat under any circumstances?
Sounds to me like the "losers" are the ones who are waving the white flag. Those who are fighting, and dying, and re-upping for their third or fourth tours are NOT the losers. They are the VICTORS. They are the HEROES. They are the NOBLE... You, quite to the contrary, are simply crud.
"There is a report out today that re-construction efforts in Iraq are nothing but a sham."
Oh, and I'll bet it was SUCH a prestigious organization that put out THAT report. Probably the UN-ACLU-NYT-WaPo-NPR-PBS-CBS-NBC-ABC coalition, eh? Gimme a break!
yuppers. I'm slow, but I finally got here.
Burn baby burn
You guys are losers because you stubbornly refuse to admit and face up to the truth, i.e. the war was lost way before Harry Reid opened his mouth. I hope that clarifies it.
Real men have the courage, the integrity, the intelligence and the decency to admit that they've made mistakes and to withdraw and fight another day, another battle than continue to fight a hopeless situation with no end in sight.
Folks like yourself are losers because you just refuse to admit the truth. You claim that the facts on the ground are not being accurately reported. That's just another conservative talking point that slams the supposedly liberal media.
Seriously, the war is lost dude... you kids need to grow up and realize that in life, you can't win every single battle and retreat doesn't always signify admission of defeat.
The important thing to note is that in situations of defeat, one does not lose sight of who he truly is despite the tough times. It is obvious that in this war, America has lost sight of who she is. I don't give a shit about Abu Ghraib but Walter Reed, the botched military operations from day one, not having a contigency plan, etc.. etc.. are clear signs that America has lost her way in Iraq.
It is hilarious that you constantly claim that true facts on the ground are not being reported but yet you are ignorant of the fact that the Special Inspector General for Iraq construction Stuart Bowen issued a report a few days ago claiming re-construction in Iraq is a catastrophe.
Out of the 8 projects previously hailed as role models, 7 have been deemed as failures. Here is a statement from the report.
"If these projects are typical of the quality and effectiveness of operations and maintenance performance, the value of the U.S. investment in Iraq reconstruction will be at risk."
I'm guessing the next thing that'll come from you is that the inspector general is a flamming liberal.
Interesting comment from a flamming liberal regarding the war in Iraq.
William Buckley is with the terrorists, no doubt about that.
Ms. RW,
Spoken like a true 60's radical... Power to the People!
OK, so if we lost the war, then tell me... WHO WON? Better yet, tell me "WHY" they won, and "HOW" they won.
Awaiting your in-depth analysis, O great sage.
"Real men have the courage, the integrity, the intelligence and the decency to admit that they've made mistakes and to withdraw and fight another day, another battle than continue to fight a hopeless situation with no end in sight".
TOTAL B.S.!!... REAL men fight to the death! "Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." --John 15:13
PANSIES look at poll numbers. When popular support for a tough war starts to wane, the PANSIES want to run away. It's important for them to remain "popular", dontcha know. There is absolutely NO integrity, intelligence or decency in trying to remain "popular" with a fickle public.
"The important thing to note is that in situations of defeat, one does not lose sight of who he truly is despite the tough times."
I suggest that you go to Iraq, join al-Qaeda and see how well it's goin' over there... OK buddy? When you've gotten the Coalition Forces and the Iraqi Army to sign your demand for surrender... then get back to me, and we'll talk about defeat.
"the Special Inspector General for Iraq construction Stuart Bowen issued a report a few days ago claiming re-construction in Iraq is a catastrophe...
"If these projects are typical of the quality and effectiveness of operations and maintenance performance, the value of the U.S. investment in Iraq reconstruction will be at risk."
Me-thinks my friend you exaggerate just a TAD! What Mr. Bowen calls a "risk" of U.S. investment... you call a "catastrophe". I suggest you check the definitions for those words (they are NOT the same). A "risk" is something which is in jeapordy of failure. A "catastrophe" is an unmitigated failure. You don't even seem to know the Queen's English.
William F. Buckley is a "paleo-con". He was fine in the 70's when he was the ONLY major conservative voice in America. I watched him on TV back then and ignored him at first (because I was a liberal), but then became an avid fan as I moved towards conservatism.
Lately however, he seems to have turned into a quivering mass of political goo. He seems to have joined ranks with the likes of you. (If you agree with him, then I MUST be against him). He suggests in his article that if terrorism is akin to a disease, then we can't win in Iraq.
That is sheer defeatism. We have made tremendous progress fighting diseases (especially cancer) in the last 25 years. If we chose to stop fighting diseases because we viewed them as "unbeatable", then there would be no reason to vaccinate people against polio, mumps, measles, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, chicken pox, etc. (and there would be many more deaths atrtributable to said diseases).
If terrorism is akin to a disease than I suggest we spend the money to find a cure! Let's vaccinate every country against terrorism and wipe out the disease once and for all.
"OK, so if we lost the war, then tell me... WHO WON? Better yet, tell me "WHY" they won, and "HOW" they won."
What the hell is wrong with you conservative morons? Why does everything have to be black or white?
Who won? Nobody. There are only losers in this Iraq game, no winners.
However, if I had to find the one person/entity that might have won, it would be Osama bin Laden. As much as I hate to admit it, yeah he won.
Did he make an attempt to win? Hell no. He didn't have to do anything. He won by Bush screwing it up.
Who lost? The American people and the Iraq people. Pure and simple.
Yeah, the truth hurts doesn't it.
"TOTAL B.S.!!... REAL men fight to the death!"
Grow up dude. You're not in the middle of a Western film. We're talking real lives and a real-life situation here.
What do you think this is? The board game Risk?
There is a reason why soldiers in the army are taught tactics on how to retreat successfully in the combat situation. The army wouldn't be teaching this if they went with your asinine philosophy of 'no retreat, fight to the death'.
You need to grow up. Withdrawing from Iraq is not a sign of giving up on fighting terrorists, just like saying sorry to your wife for having done something stupid is not not a sign of compromising your man-liness.
"What Mr. Bowen calls a "risk" of U.S. investment... you call a "catastrophe"
sorry, I did exaggerate a bit. I was under the impression that billions of US taxpayer dollars spent on projects previously hailed as successes but now deemed as utter failures would render the overall reconstruction effort in Iraq a catastrophe but if you disagree, that's fine with me.
Don't you see a trend in the number of staunch Republicans/Conservatives that have come out against the war and/or recommend a timeline for withdrawal?
What about the likes of Powell, Scowcroft, Howard Baker, etc..? All defeatists too I guess huh?
Hawkeye, read this.
It's not Left, or Right, just interesting.
Hawkeye, read this.
It's not Left, or Right, just interesting.
What the hell is wrong with you conservative morons? Why does everything have to be black or white?
I never said it had to be black or white. My contention is that we are fighting a war and the war is not over yet. You and Harry Reid say it is already "LOST". That sounds far more definitive to me than what I've said. Since you seem to be so sure the war is lost, I just wanted to know HOW you have come to that conclusion. The answer appears to be that if a war is not won within a certain timeframe then, by definition, it MUST be lost. I disagree with your logic. If we use the analogy of a sports competition, there are (3) options: win, lose or tie. My suggestion would be that we have not yet won and neither has al-Qaeda in Iraq. If you check the scoreboard, we have lots more points than they do. (See my web site Victory Against Terror.) You and Harry Reid are suggesting that we lose by forfeit. You want us to unilaterally declare defeat. That seems eminently foolish to me (and to many others), especially considering the potential ramifications of failure.
You need to grow up. Withdrawing from Iraq is not a sign of giving up on fighting terrorists, just like saying sorry to your wife for having done something stupid is not not a sign of compromising your man-liness.
I am willing to say "I'm sorry" to my wife because we are married. When we took our vows 30 years ago, we pledged to love and cherish one another 'til death do us part, etc.
I have no such commitment to the terrorists in Iraq. We (all of us non-Islamists) are not married to al-Qaeda. We have made no pledge to them, nor them to us. They do NOT have our best interests at heart, as does my wife. In fact, they want to kill ALL infidels... including YOU my friend. It has nothing to do with "man-liness" and everything to do with sheer survival.
And if you think "growing up" means appeasing terrorists, then I prefer to remain "childish"... thank you. And yes, withdrawing from Iraq DOES mean giving up on fighting terrorists. If we know the terrorists are there and we walk away... what else could it be a sign of??
projects previously hailed as successes but now deemed as utter failures
Aren't you exaggerating there a bit as well? Did Mr. Bowen use the term "utter failures"?
Read the article at your link. Interesting concept, but as with many such theories, it is a gross over-simplification. If "hawkish" views are more persuasive than "dovish" views, I would contend that this is because historical evidence bears them out in contrast to any mental predispositions. We have plenty of proof that Islamists want to kill "infidels" in great numbers. We have plenty of proof that appeasement does not work.
Hi Maggie!
"Aren't you exaggerating there a bit as well? Did Mr. Bowen use the term "utter failures"?"
Like I said, it's all a matter of opinion. If I wanted to build a house from scratch and spent a lot of money in doing so, I would describe it as an "utter failure" on the part of the construction crew if it turned out like the way those projects in Iraq turned out.
If you think otherwise, hey, that's fine with me.
I do indeed... and I'm glad it's OK with you.
Nooooooooooo! Not the dreaded sporting analogy! And you criticize us for black and white, over-simplified generalizations?
But hey! Here is the situation in black and white, over-simplified generalizations or, as we in the reality – based community like to call it, a nutshell. The USA has lost because it can never win. They do not want the Sunni to take over and do not want the Shia to take over. So what does it want? Geneva on the Tigris? Secular democracy? Any chance of that occurring is long gone if it was ever there in the first place.
So if a Sunni victory is unacceptable, and a Shia (AKA Iranian) victory is unacceptable, and a stable secular democracy is unattainable, what is there left?
30-plus-year occupation. It was all planned, my dear. You don’t really think they do these things on a whim, do you? Geopolitical moves like this are years in the planning.
The ‘Al-Quada’ that the US is fighting in Iraq is not the Al-Quada that supposedly pulled off 9/11, if that Al-Quada ever really existed in the first place; they are now more like a franchise for disaffected Muslims from across the globe that comprises approximately 2% of the population, and you will never shoot them all – they are not a finite resource. It’s like a nightmare Whack-A-Mole!; every time you hit one, ten more appear.
Al-Quada have always stated that their main objective was the removal of US bases from the holy lands, i.e. Mecca, i.e. Saudi Arabia. And guess what? A couple of days before Bush’s ‘Mission Accomplished’ farrago, The USA did just that – Rumsfeld closed the Saudi bases. Why do you think that Al-Quada haven’t bombed the USA? No need! Mission accomplished indeed!
What the USA really wanted was oil, control of the oil and a military foothold in the Middle East that was not dependent on the goodwill of the Saudi princes. So having appeased Al-Quada, Rummy took off to Iraq!
The US doesn’t have an exit strategy because it doesn’t need one – it has never intended to leave. The USA has no wish to abandon its multi-billion dollar bases and Vatican-size Embassy because they need them, not least to protect the oil, and they are working hard on getting Bremmer’s new laws concerning the distribution of oil profits passed by the Malaki government, although that dimension is looking shaky.
Don’t forget that Operation Iraqi Freedom was originally called Operation Iraqi Liberation, but it was changed when the powers-that-be realized that they might not get away with the acronym after all.
So yeah, the USA has to hang on tight in order to protect its investments. If it has to brick up the Sunnis (Mr. Bush! Tear down this wall!) while funding them to hit the Shia so as to keep up the violence levels and provide excuses for not pulling out so be it. I would be surprised if the next WH administration (which should be Democrat, all things being equal) pulls out completely; no USA government has ever given up such strategic advantage, except for the current one, when Rummy pulled out of Saudi Arabia.
Do you really want to spend the next thirty years defending oil profits?
Because that is the reality the US is facing. Bush now says that victory in Iraq is down to reducing the odds of being able to go to the shops without being blown to smithereens, which might take a while considering that continued sectarian violence in Iraq is the USA’s long term interests. This has nothing to do with ‘democracy’ or that paranoid fantasy called ‘The War On Terror’, where the enemy is all of your own construction; it has to do with the future of oil resources, geopolitical power and, unfortunately, an increasing sense of a religious crusade.
There were plenty of other ways to evict Saddam Hussein; that the USA chose the method that it did speaks volumes about its true intentions.
Of course, the big winner out of all of this is Iran. Where do you think Malaki has been hiding all these years? Arkansas? No, he’s been in Iran. It’s true that the Iranians are Persians and not Arabs, but they are Shia, and if you knock out the ruling minority in a country (the Iraqi Sunni) the majority (the Iraqi Shia) are going to take over and naturally their neighbours are going to take an active interest. Wouldn’t y’all want to know who’s running South and Central America? And wouldn’t y’all want to make sure that whoever it is would be friendly to your interests? Yes. See The Monroe Doctrine and the Roosevelt Collary.
So the only way the USA can ‘win’ is to stay as a hostile occupying force
for the next the next thirty-odd years. Will they stay? Time will tell. But that is the plan.
Iran is pretty pleased with this outcome. Their worst enemy was knocked out by their second worst enemy, an enemy who are now on the verge of being vanquished, while a man steeped in their own political culture gets the gig of head cheese! Iran really couldn’t have organized it better!
What did y’all expect to happen?
And as for this ‘Real men fight to the death’ nonsense – puh-leese! I thought we, the human race, had learnt this lesson from WW1. Real men, real flesh and blood men, fought to a bloody and pointless death
because their generals could not give in. Of course, a political settlement was eventually found, albeit an unsatisfactory one that had to be settled by WW2 and one that we are still wrestling with today, but found nonetheless. How many lives would have been saved if that Armistice had been declared a day earlier? A week? A month? Four years?
In 1914, everyone said ‘It’ll be over by Christmas!’ Wrong! Why are we still such suckers?
It proves the point I was trying make with that link to the SMH. The US is willing to risk a 90% chance of suffering a 100% defeat instead of 100% chance of a 90% defeat, which is all very well unless it is you or yours in that spare 10%, or if you care about them at all.
‘Often, both sides end up believing they're merely reacting to the provocative behavior of the other’ say Kahneman and Resshon, and that’s true – see the Israel/Palestine divide, and don’t forget that the opponents in that conflict, in Iraq, in any war you care to mention, think that God is on their side.
(BTW, if that article was too simplistic for you why not go into more detail and try Professor Daniel Kahneman and Jonathan Renshon’s full article? http://www.foreignpolicy.com/story/cms.php?story_id=3660 )
I had hoped, being the higher mammals and all, that Homo sapiens would be pretty much over this ‘war’ thing by now – ah well.
Hawkeye, I suggest that instead of looking up the definitions of ‘risk’ and ‘catastrophe’ you look up ‘euphemism’ and ‘diplomatic’.
I understand that you have made a committment to your wife, as I have to mine, and I applaud that, but to stretch the analogy, if you broke into a house down the street and demolished it while looking for a cache of AK47s that were never there, wouldn't you feel the need to aplogise? And don't you think law enforcement mighy have something to say?
And as for your analogy that ‘terrorism’ is a ‘disease’ that must be ‘cured’. well, let’s have look at that shall we?
We have cured diseases, as you say, by inoculation, NOT by killing everyone that has them. We go to the source, we find out what, exactly, is causing the disease and fight that. We don’t round up all those suffering from polio, mumps, measles, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, chicken pox et al and load them into gas chambers because they are ‘evil’ and ‘unclean’; no, we try to sort out the problem and then, just as importantly, try to prevent it from re-occurring.
So surely, to follow your logic, we must attempt to find out just why these people do what they do and fix that, discover what is the cause of this lethal fanaticism. The problem is that the USA is not going to like this approach, being as they are the primary source of the virus, but maybe it is the price the USA will have to pay for the mess in Iraq – stop telling the world what to do, stop filling up the world with its rubbish,start sharing the resources of the world with the world and stop bleeding it dry with its dodgy trade deals, and the World Bank, the IMF and all the rest, learn to accept a new world order without the USA on the top of it, learn accept the end of PNAC and US global hegemony. It's going to be hard, but you have only the WH to blame.
As Republicans never stop reminding us, we must be responsible for our own actions, and if that goes for individuals it surely goes for nation states too.
So yeah, maybe there will be a way to ‘win’ this thing – it's just not your definition of it.
PS I wrote this while watching 'Wag The Dog' - oh, the ironies!
"I have no such commitment to the terrorists in Iraq."
It's pretty pathetic that until today you are still in gross delusion of the fact that most American soldiers and Iraqi citizens that have died so far in this ill-conceived and poorly-executed war in Iraq are the result of Sunni/Shia violence, and NOT as a result of anything Al-Qaeda related.
If anything, recent reports have suggested that some Shia militia groups have struck Al Qaeda targets as well.
"In fact, they want to kill ALL infidels... including YOU my friend."
And the best way to deal with Al Qaeda is to go to invade Iraq who has zero ties with Al Qaeda???
Sure, there are Al Qaeda terrorists in Iraq but the guys shooting at American troops everyday and every hour are, for the most part, NOT Al Qaeda and who probably do not give a rat's ass about Osama bin Laden.
Even if EVERY SINGLE Al Qaeda member, from Osama all the way down to the lowest-ranked foot solder DIES tomorrow, American troops and Iraqi civilians are still going to be perishing in great numbers on a daily basis.
"Since you seem to be so sure the war is lost, I just wanted to know HOW you have come to that conclusion."
1. Iraq is in full-fledged civil war.
2. Iraqis have slowly come to the conclusion that as much of a venemous bastard Saddam is, life under his dictatorship was no better or worse than life in the midst of a civil war
3. American troops are totally worn out and stressed out.
4. The Pentagon is so worried about winning an un-winnable war in Iraq that it has allowed the nation's most prestigious military medical facility to be invested with rats and mould.
5. Countries that were originally with American have fled left, right and center.
6. The Pentago nis so desperate for any positive news coming out of Iraq that it had the audacity to lie about the true cause of Pat Tillman's death just so to score some PR points.
7. The military is having problems recruiting and numerous reports have pointed to military recruiters outright lying in order to present their cases.
8. Republicans will bail on Bush this coming fall.
The list goes on and on..
The USA has lost because it can never win.
Sophomoric, jaded, anti-American speculation.
They do not want the Sunni to take over and do not want the Shia to take over. So what does it want? Geneva on the Tigris? Secular democracy?
Any chance of that occurring is long gone if it was ever there in the first place.
Oh really?
30-plus-year occupation. It was all planned, my dear. You don’t really think they do these things on a whim, do you? Geopolitical moves like this are years in the planning.
Another conspiracy theory, eh? Rubbish.
The ‘Al-Quada’ (sic) that the US is fighting in Iraq is not the Al-Quada (sic) that supposedly pulled off 9/11
"Supposedly"? Yes, you really are a conspiracy theorist aren't you? But you're right... the only similarities between al-Qaeda in Iraq and Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda is that: 1) both groups swear allegiance to Osama bin Laden, and 2) both groups kill hundreds of people indiscriminately in the name of Islamism. We should also ignore the fact that both Osama bin Laden and Ayman Zawahiri (al-Qaeda's top two) have stated that the war in Iraq is the MOST IMPORTANT battle for Islam (ie, al-Qaeda) today.
if that Al-Quada (sic) ever really existed in the first place
Your conspiracy fears are really getting the best of you, you know.
What the USA really wanted was oil, control of the oil
What a tired, boring, bumper-sticker mentality you have. If the USA only wanted oil, then why is the USA spending so much time and money trying to rebuild Iraqi non-oil infrastructure and encourage Iraqi democracy? If the USA only wanted oil, then why has the USA not taken any oil? If the USA only wanted oil, then why is ALL the revenue from Iraqi oil going to... (DUH!) Iraq? If all the USA wanted was oil, then we would have gone in and taken the oil. We would have taken the oil and said, "To hell with the people. To hell with anything other than oil."
The US doesn’t have an exit strategy because it doesn’t need one – it has never intended to leave.
More speculation. Foolish speculation at that.
The USA has no wish to abandon its multi-billion dollar bases and Vatican-size Embassy
"Multi-billion dollar bases?" Are you kidding me? Most of the American bases are former Iraqi military bases that were totally run-down. Some of the bases are nothing more than small outposts in the middle of nowhere. "Vatican-size Embassy"? The Vatican is 0.2 of a square mile. If my math is correct, that is equal to 5,575,680 square feet. Is the U.S. embassy in Iraq really that big? I think "multi-billion" and "Vatican-size" is a bit of exaggeration... but then again, you seem to be prone to exaggeration.
Sorry, but I just can't take it any more. I can only put up with so much of your crap. Must end now.
You must be one of the 28% of the public who still approve of the job that Bush is doing in the White House.
Why can't you just admit that the war is a lost cause?
Every damn thing in Iraq hinges upon the ability of the Iraqis to come to a political reconciliation. The Maliki government has shown that it is either incapable or unwilling to take the bold steps to make that happen. what it is willing to do however, is TAKE A 2 MTH SUMMER VACATION while American blood is spilled all around Baghdad.
Well done Bush & co.
You must be one of the 28% of the public who still approve of the job that Bush is doing in the White House.
You bet!
Why can't you just admit that the war is a lost cause?
Because I can't admit what I don't believe. All signs tell me we're winning (and winning BIG). Please see my other web site Victory Against Terror.
Every damn thing in Iraq hinges upon the ability of the Iraqis to come to a political reconciliation.
Yes, and it's happening. Muqtada al-Sadr has been driven out of Iraq and is clearly impotent. The Shia death squads are being eliminated and they're on the run. The former Sunni insurgents in Anbar Province have joined forces with the Coalition troops to fight foreign al-Qaeda terrorists, and they are seeking to join the political process in Baghdad.
The Maliki government has shown that it is either incapable or unwilling to take the bold steps to make that happen.
You are uninformed my friend. It IS happening. Large segments of Baghdad have been cleared of militia. Iraqi Police (IP) Forces are growing rapidly (especially in Anbar). The IP are becoming a mature and capable group. The Iraqi Army (IA) is taking the lead on many more operations. The Iraqi Special Operations Forces (ISOF) are acting in many cases only with American advisors to observe. Coalition bases are being turned over to the Iraqis. You just don't hear these things in the Moonbat Liberal Media you subscribe to.
what it is willing to do however, is TAKE A 2 MTH SUMMER VACATION while American blood is spilled all around Baghdad.
I guess you didn't catch the news that the 2 month recess has been cancelled. Click HERE
You are pathetic beyond explanation.
You choose to focus on the fact that the Iraqi parliament has cancelled its 2-mth vacation under HUGE PRESSURE from the White House instead of the outrageous fact that the Iraqis had the gall to declare a 2-month break to begin with.
If you choose to live in delusion, it's totally up to you. Eleven Republican Reps visited Bush yesterday to let them know that the current situation is unacceptable but instead you choose to believe the crap from Faux News "we are winning big"??????
WTF?? if we are "winning big" as you understand it, why would these 11 Republicans have the need confront Bush to warn him that they and many others will bail if the situation doesn't improve soon???
THANK YOU! When you express your disdain for me, then I am convinced that all is well with the world. If I can irritate a pompous @$$ like you then... "I done good".
"Delusion" is simply a matter of perspective. I may be deluded that we are winning "BIG", and you may be deluded that we have "lost". But be assured that I do not attribute my opinion to FoxNews. My opinion is the result of reading months and months of Centcom Press Releases, supported by the occasional MSM acknowledgement that those press releases are correct.
And BTW, I don't get excited about the opinions of "11 Republicans". There are at least 11 RINOs. If you don't know what that means, let me explain it... RINO = "Republican In Name Only". Capiche??
You conservative idiots view all things through military eyes.
America has lost the goodwill of its European allies, the goodwill of moderate Arab nations like Jordan and Egypt, and viewed with scorn even by Canada.
In the meantime, the Communist Dragon has risen to become the most powerful military force on the planet. It is also armed with a trillion or so dollars in its reserves.
Iran continues to taunt America with building nuclear weapons and there is nothing America can do about it. Not even the most hawkish conservatives advocate invading Iran.
America has a broken Marine corp, a broken army, rodent-infested military hospitals and hundreds of billions of dollars of federal and trade deficits.
And oh yes, Osama bin Laden is still well and alive, probably eating caviar while American troops get caught in the middle of a full-fledged civil war that has no end in sight.
man, is American winning BIG in iraq.
WCL, how about the GALL of the United States Congress and Senate taking recess in September 2001 just after 9/11? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
Liberas are the most uncompassionate people I've ever seen. If anyone deserves a recess, is it not the Iraqi Parliament who risks life and limb daily just to show up to work? My guess is they serve their country more than you've served yours.
Elroy, you libs are unreal. How about blaming the violence in Iraq on, duh, al-Qaeda? Terrorists? Insurgents? No, blame Bush.
Instead of blaming the good guys who are trying to do the right thing and blame the BAD GUYS who are actually killing people?
Amy P,
"how about the GALL of the United States Congress and Senate taking recess in September 2001 just after 9/11?"
This is nothing short of asinine. Tom DeLay and Bill Frist could have cancelled the recess but they did not do so and you're blaming it on liberals????
"If anyone deserves a recess, is it not the Iraqi Parliament who risks life and limb daily just to show up to work?"
Of course they need a break from their daily duties of NOT being able to come up with a political reconciliation. They need a summer break from their INABILITY to stop the violence.
wake up and smell the coffee. It's the Republicans are going ballistic over the 2-mth summer break. It's Bob Gates that has called it "unacceptable". It's Cheney that flew all the way there to dissuade the Iraqis from taking the 2-month break.
It's amazing that you have the gall to defend the Iraqi officials. It shows how ignorant you are. Even the top brass of the Pentagon is pissed at the Iraqis for their inability to get shit done and here you are painting a rosy picture of the Iraqi officials.
"And please, who cares what the Europeans think of us?"
It's not just the Europeans. It's just about every other country on planet earth. If one were to take a poll of the citizens in every country, can you please name me a country in which the majority of its citizens have a favourable view of the US today??
yes, of course, the US is picking up the UN's slack. I mean, trust the UN to drop a ball on an ill-conceived and pathetically-executed war in Iraq. What the hell was the UN thinking?
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