Looney Liberal of the Week: Harry Reid
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- This week's award goes to Harry Reid (D-NV), Senate Minority Leader, for the statements he made and the legislation he introduced on Monday of this week. In an effort to get Congress more involved in U.S. policy toward Iran, Reid introduced a bill called the "Iran Intelligence Oversight Act".
IMNSHO, the words "Harry Reid" and "intelligence" should not be used in the same sentence... that would be a paradox. The fact that Reid is proposing legislation associated with "intelligence" suggests to me that he is trying to downplay his less-than-stellar IQ.
"This legislation will ensure the Congress is fully engaged in the Iran debate, and it will also push the Bush White House to develop and implement the right policy for dealing with Iran," Reid said. As if Harry Reid had any idea what the "right policy" might be about ANYTHING.
The goal of Reid's legislation is to force the Bush administration to answer three questions about intelligence matters related to Iran...
First, what is the judgment of the government's professional intelligence analysts about the threat of Iran, and what tools are most likely to influence the Iranians to change their ways?
Second, what are the president's policy objectives toward Iran, and what is his strategy for achieving those objectives?
Third, what is the process for making sure that senior Administration officials don't publicly mischaracterize the evidence and the challenge of Iran?
Actually, that's FIVE questions (nobody said Reid could count), but we don't need any legislation to answer those questions. Let's take them one at a time...
Question: What is the judgment of the government's professional intelligence analysts about the threat of Iran?Answer: They think Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a "wacko" who wants to "wipe Israel off the map" by building and using "nuclear weapons".
Question: What tools are most likely to influence Iranians to change their ways?Answer: ICBM's, Cruise missiles, JDAM's, Bunker Busters, MOAB's, JSOW's, JASSM's, Cluster Bombs, Nukes, B-1B's, B-52's, F-117's, F-16's, etc.
Question: What are the President's policy objectives toward Iran?Answer: Get the madman to give up his nuclear ambitions.
Question: What is his strategy for achieving those objectives?Answer: Give the madman one last chance before we blow the idiot off the face of the earth.
Question: What is the process for making sure that senior Administration officials don't publicly mischaracterize the evidence and the challenge of Iran?Answer:
Step 1 -- Stop assuming the administration is lying.
Step 2 -- Stop listening to the MainStream Media.
Step 3 -- Repeat Steps 1 and 2.
I sure do hope the Misguided Moderates ,who get themselves elected by pretending to be Republicans read your answers to Harry's Maudlin Meanderings. Then they should develope a little Grit in their Gizzards.and do the Right thing.
"...the words "Harry Reid" and "intelligence" should not be used in the same sentence... that would be a paradox."
Or an oxymoron.
Or just a moron...
Ok, pretty loonie! A fair choice for the week!
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