Kerry: Blame Bush for JetBlue Problems
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In a manner reminiscent of Ghengis Khan, John F. Kerry today savagely attacked President George W. Bush for the problems experienced yesterday on JetBlue Flight 292. According to Kerry, the President has mismanaged the F.A.A. and has not spent enough time scrutinizing aircraft safety.
"For four and a half years, President Bush has spent far too much time on frivolous matters, and ignored this highly critical area of concern", said Kerry... Mr. Kerry then proceeded to tick off a list of the President's "trivial pursuits".
September 11, 2001 Launching the War on Terror Freezing assets of terror-related organizations Capturing al-Qaeda operatives in the U.S. Creating a Dept. of Homeland Security Freeing 30 million Afghanis Freeing 26 million Iraqis Rebuilding the Iraqi infrastructure Assisting Afghanistan develop a constitution Assisting Iraq develop a constitution Capturing Saddam Hussein Capturing or killing 75% of al-Qaeda leadership No Child Left Behind Prescription Drug Benefit Tax Relief Economic Recovery Fighting AIDS in Africa Getting judicial nominees approved Getting U.N. ambassador approved 2004 Hurricane Relief Tsunami Relief Hurricane Katrina Relief
"See what I mean", said Kerry, "Nothing nearly so important as this latest excuse for a Bush-bashing".
Well, I guess we'll try this word verification thingy. Sorry about that, but "we don't need no steenkin' spam..."
Thank you. That is all.
You just absolutely crack me up! If it wasn't for you, I swear that somedays I wouldn't smile at all.... Thanks pal!
Nah, blame JetBlue for buying Airbus planes...
kucyqi, Hawkeye!
kwhe icysl;c jhyc ji luiayc xgxhj
khcdak iuw,xgh jhl ;ha lggy
.....and God forbid that he should help Texas.
What is the purpose of the "word
verification thingy".It is a wordless verification.
Did you try the Russian or iranian dictionary?
The "word verification thingy" is supposed to keep computer-generated spam away. But you're right... I don't remember "jariaq" being a word.
Libby Gone™,
"kucyqi" to you too... and "zgfnvxp" besides!
Libby Gone
Bless you!Take care of that cough.
All the best blogs venture into the word verification thingy until they try Haloscan for comments.
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