The Republican Record on Civil Rights
A special Thank You to "Hooey" (formerly known as "Howie") for pointing us to a great blogsite called "Stop The Republicans". This blogsite outlines the Civil Rights record of Republicans from the foundation of the party in 1854. It's a fascinating read. The short, dated comments come in a rapid-fire, staccato succession that keeps the reader mesmerized (especially Republican readers).
While reading this outline, one begins to conclude very early in the presentation that somehow Republicans have been misrepresented as racial bigots. One is further inclined to speculate as to how the Democrats have come by such a large proportion of African-Americans among their base. After I began reading the outline, I naturally assumed that at some point, there would be a noticeable gap in the history between the Civil War era and modern day events. How else could Republicans have fallen into such disrepute with African-Americans?
But NO. There is no such gap to be found. In every decade from the 1850's to the present, Republicans were working to improve the Civil Rights of African-Americans, women, and more recently Hispanics. And amazingly, more often than not they were fighting obstructionist Democrats.
Click HERE for a great read....
Been there, commented on that...well not ON that, but at hooey's blog, where it's mentioned.
C'mon. You know why the Democrats scarfed up the black vote. Republicans offer "only" freedom and liberty. You are free to be poor as well as free to make something of yourself. Democrats on the other hand offer "free lunch", you know, through entitlement programs. They get hooked on the system and the Democrats want to keep it that way.
I'd like to see your Favorites list... I bet there's scores of blog sites.
Yeah, when you put a personal face on it, those were REAL people who struggled, fought, and in some cases died for the rights that African-Americans have today. It's sort of a kick in the teeth when you think that most of them were Republicans.
I agree... except that "entitlement" is a misnomer. Let's just call it a "give-away" program. I believe that what we are "entitled" to is Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness... (and I guess the right to vote, equality under the law, etc).
If you don't pursue happiness you are free to be unhappy. If wealth makes you happy... go for it. If you don't pursue wealth, you are free to be poor.
Ooops. I guess you already said that last part. (I knew I heard it somewhere).
And this isn't taught during Black History Month because.......?
[crickets chirping]
You'd be disappointed by my "Favorites" list then; whilst I do have more of 'em "bookmarked" than appear on the "blogroll" on my blog, there aren't that many more to speak of. Maybe just one score. I still get to a lot of 'em via links from other sites...
IMO one of the ways the Dims kept the Blacks and Unions in line was by paying off the leaders. They plight of poor black people and a lot of union workers didn't improve that much , but their leaders sure lived high. Then the black and union leaders turn around and make huge donations to the Dim party, with the poor folks, and Rank and File members money. They thought this little love circle would go on forever, but thanks to Talk Radio and the Internet that "circle" is being broken.
That was "pretty well said". Thanks and regards, Hawkeye®
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