Daily Wisdom

July 31, 2005

Soldier Disses Hillary Clinton

IRAQ -- Special thanks to TruthorFiction.com for this one...

The picture shows that this soldier has been thru Survival School and learned his lessons well. He's giving the sign of "coercion" with his left hand. These hand signs are taught in survival school to be used by POW's as a method of posing messages back to our intelligence services who may view the photo or video. This guy was obviously being coerced into shaking hands with Hillary Clinton.

This picture started circulating shortly after Senator Clinton made a Thanksgiving visit to the soldiers in Iraq in 2003. There was a lot of speculation about what the picture really meant. Was the soldier really indicating that he didn't like shaking hands with Hillary? Was the picture doctored to make it look that way? Was he sending some other kind of message with his crossed fingers?

The answer is that he did intentionally cross his fingers during the handshake and it did mean that he was not thrilled to shake Senator Clinton's hand. After his discharge from the Army, the soldier posted a personal profile on Yahoo Personals as part of looking for introductions to single females. In his profile, he includes the picture with Hillary and explains "The picture of me and Hillary Clinton was taken when she came to visit Iraq. I was actually ordered to shake her hand, and I never figured that my friends would circulate it all over the net. I AM NOT a Hillary fan by any stretch."


At 7/31/2005 10:09 PM , Blogger Pat's Rick© said...

Love it.My latest post references trughtorfiction as well. Did you browse there to find this? Or did someone send you the email?

At 7/31/2005 11:58 PM , Blogger camojack said...

Of course, that li'l picture has been floating around da 'Net for awhile now...still funny, tho'.

At 8/01/2005 8:10 AM , Blogger MargeinMI said...


I've also seen that picture, it's nice to know it's true!


LOVE to see it as a billboard all over the country, with his personal endorsement, in '08.

At 8/01/2005 12:25 PM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

As per my E-mail, I found it on the TruthorFiction.com website after visiting your blog.

Thanks for the lead!

At 8/01/2005 12:26 PM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Yeah it goes back to 2003, so I figured some of ya might have seen it, but I couldn't pass it up.

At 8/01/2005 12:29 PM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Smirk? Yeah, I'd say so.

At 8/01/2005 12:30 PM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

I think this picture will keep comin' back the closer we get to 2008, don't you?

At 8/01/2005 1:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Yah,yes ,you betcha. It will be around ,for sure.

At 8/02/2005 2:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am now a fan of his.

At 8/04/2005 6:32 PM , Blogger MargeinMI said...

I know this thread is dead, but I just gotta say again...

this picture is just. beautiful.


At 8/04/2005 7:29 PM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

A thread is never dead so long as "Viewers" like you keep it alive. Thanks for stopping by.

P.S.-- The pleasure is all mine.


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