Thai Prison Reform in Progress
BANGKOK, Thailand -- In a fashion reminiscent of Zucker Abraham & Zucker, Thailand's notorious Lad Yao prison put on a variety show for delegates from the United Nations. With it's reputation as the "Bangkok Hilton" (a play on the torture chambers of the Vietnam "Hanoi Hilton"), it must have been an odd sight to see transvestite prisoners in pink tutus running around with colorful acrobats.
"What a crock of horsey doo-doo", said one prisoner. "They didn't even want us to talk to anybody for fear we'd rat them out." With the prison being known for it's excessively long and cruel sentences, the performance was understood by many to be merely window-dressing.
"We're doing our best," said an unnamed spokesman for Lad Yao's PR firm. "We got a 1-year contract to try and make these idiots look like they didn't just come out of some medieval dungeon. We haven't got a lot to work with here... By the way, will you be sticking around for the magic show?"
I felt the need to comment......but I can't.
Oh, you funny man, huh? You shutta yo mouf oh I wir kung pow yo head!
I didn't realize you were quite so twisted Hawkeye!
I admit it, I tutus IS a pretty strong mental image.;o)
Actually, if you click on the the link, you will notice that the pink tutus was NOT my idea... it was TRUE stuff. (Scary huh?)
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