Daily Wisdom

April 18, 2005

Hillary Running for President in '06

ALBANY, NY -- Although most of the candidates will not be running for President of the United States until 2008, Hillary Rodham Clinton will start running in 2006. Hillary's first goal is to get re-elected to the Senate. If she fails in 2006, it could end her chances for a shot at the White House in 2008. A number of Republican strategists are clearly aware of that and have already started preparing "Stop Hillary" campaigns...

"We do not intend to have a mud-slinging contest though", said an unnamed Republican insider. "We will treat Hillary with the same dignified manner that the Democrats have used during the recent confirmation hearings of Presidential appointments like Condoleeza Rice, John Bolton, Stephen Johnson, and various other judicial nominees. Fair play is all you can ask for... we will have open, honest and frank discussions about Hillary's shortcom... uh, personal qualities."


At 4/18/2005 12:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh-oh! Time to start puttin' on the rain gear... er, anti-mud gear.

At 4/18/2005 12:57 PM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Maybe they should throw pies instead of mud, like the Democrats. See Ann Coulter's April 13, 2005 article at....


At 4/26/2005 10:08 PM , Blogger Bunny said...

Hi Hawkeye. I guess we "Scrapplers" will have to discuss our thoughts on your and camojack's blogs...no comments allowed on Scrapple, at present.

As for Hitlary's "presidential aspirations", I can't believe how anyone can take that woman seriously. Having read both "Hell to Pay" and "The Final Days" by Barbara Olson, may God rest her soul, I am well aware of who Hillary is, and what she is capable of. She has past ties to the Communist party in America, and at the very least, is a radical socialist now..."chanelling" Eleanor Roosevelt, and all. God help us if she were to ever become President.

At 4/26/2005 10:16 PM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

'da Bunny,
I know what ya mean. The thought of it just makes me ill...


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